Going north in 3 weeks, Will have no one to collect mail (being held) and pay the rego notice that is sent in the mail, Will have no Internet access or mobile phone coverage for 9 weeks (head back home 1st week September), Van rego due middle of August,
Rang VicRoads and you can't pay your rego until they issue the renewal notice in the mail which is 6 weeks prior to expiry.
Are these people idiots or what? Customers often have very real needs to offer up their money way in advance of when it is due and the Victorian Government doesn't want it!!
Because VicRoads issues a completely new customer reference number EVERY YEAR you can't even simply overpay and have your account in the black to cover a future debt, such as you can do with any other type of bill like gas or electricity of council rates etc. VicRoads only accepts the "exact" amount due, a figure they won't tell you until the blasted notice is sent out!
Another bunch of office bound bureaucratic tools who will be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.
Looks like I'll have no option other than to be towing an unregistered caravan when I head back towards civilisation and at the first opportunity of internet access I can pay the now 4 week overdue rego, online.
Additionally NSW utilises number plate recognition computers in all HWP vehicles so if you drive past one you are nabbed - there are also number plate recognition in all gantry overhead cameras and toll points.
BIG BROTHER is here.
Can you get a trusted neighbour or such to collect and open mail - If you leave them the funds then they can go on line and pay it for you.
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.
G'day Hilife. Before we left home this year I had not received the Regn papers for the van so I Rang Vicroads and asked the operator if I could prepay the Regn. She was very obliging and I parted with the appropriate money on the credit card. She told me that the money would be debited from the card as soon as the regn was generated.ie 30 days prior to due date. I checked my account and sure enough it was exactly as she said. All good this end and the other day I received the regn certificate in the mail. It was prepaid a month in advance.
Hi Hylife, paid mine early a couple of weeks ago, take rego papers to vicroads office, told them i want to rego early as will be away when rego due, no probs, that was at the Mildura office, regards
ps they just printed out new rego papers and stapled receipt to it.
-- Edited by delapan on Wednesday 7th of June 2017 03:43:54 PM
I suggest you google the head of Vic Roads and send an explanatory letter and cheque for the registration amount to him using a signature required postal service. No court is going to convict after that.
This is simply an administration system stuck in the steam age and there is no reason we should have to adept to them - like any business they should adapt to the customer.
You may also care to "CC" you letter to your State MP.
"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"
Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland
Hilife, I agree with Possum do not risk taking your van into NSW unless you have proof of registration. If you do as Mike says you may eventually win the argument and avoid paying a fine but that's not going to make you feel any better when they tell you to leave the van on the side of the road until you can proove that it's registered. Depending on how understanding they are they may even tell you that you can't leave it where it is and you will need to organise to get it transported to a more suitable storage location. The responses from your fellow Victorians would suggest that your best option to get it sorted would be to front up and talk to someone in person - it would probably be the same in this state.
-- Edited by The Belmont Bear on Wednesday 7th of June 2017 08:56:45 PM
One would assume you know the date the renewal is due ???????????
Common sense suggests that you just go online to the VicRoads site, close to the time the rego is due, select the 'Pay Registration' link, then select the 'vehicle type', then type in the rego of the vehicle ... then hit Continue.
It will bring up the rego details of the vehicle AND the amount due and date due. Simply enter your details - including your credit card details and WHAM ! ! ! your father's brother's name will be Robert.
Simple ... no stress ...
cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
My Daughter pays her rego online before its due but transfers the money automatically one week before the due date. ie: Sets it up about four weeks before it is due to pay it in three weeks. ps: She has paid it with out the renew notice. Cheers
Thanks for the empathy folks but it seems some of you didn't actually read my post.
A) I did ring VicRoads, (I also called into a VicRoads office),
B) You can't pay early (in Victoria) until the renewal is generated for mailing which is 6 weeks prior to it falling due. Their moronic system does NOT use your number plates, it generates an single use payment reference number for each renewal, every year. Until such renewal notice is generated, in Victoria, there is no payment reference number generated that VicRoads can or will accept payment for.
C) I won't be able to go online because where I am heading there is no mobile or internet service or telephony services available of any kind.
VicRoads stupidly offered to sell me an unregistered vehicle permit for the period I need.
I politely reminded them that such permits issued in Victoria are NOT recognised interstate, but their offer has provided a solution. I can buy one from the Qld government for the period I need after removing the now unlawful Victorian number plate. This will cover me until I reach civilisation where I can go online, pay via the VicRoads web site and re-affix the number plate.
FYI, every other state allows you to prepay as much as you care to against your future registration costs because they use a fixed customer reference number system together with your number plates details, rather than an isolated one time payment reference number system.
You obviously got out of the wrong side of bed Rocky, I for one understood that Hylife was conveying what had happened to himself in regards to Vic Roads so as to inform fellow Victorians about said issues and who doesn't have a whinge from time to time you certainly just did just now.
Thanks for the empathy folks but it seems some of you didn't actually read my post.
A) I did ring VicRoads, (I also called into a VicRoads office), B) You can't pay early (in Victoria) until the renewal is generated for mailing which is 6 weeks prior to it falling due. Their moronic system does NOT use your number plates, it generates an single use payment reference number for each renewal, every year. Until such renewal notice is generated, in Victoria, there is no payment reference number generated that VicRoads can or will accept payment for. C) I won't be able to go online because where I am heading there is no mobile or internet service or telephony services available of any kind.
VicRoads stupidly offered to sell me an unregistered vehicle permit for the period I need. I politely reminded them that such permits issued in Victoria are NOT recognised interstate, but their offer has provided a solution. I can buy one from the Qld government for the period I need after removing the now unlawful Victorian number plate. This will cover me until I reach civilisation where I can go online, pay via the VicRoads web site and re-affix the number plate.
FYI, every other state allows you to prepay as much as you care to against your future registration costs because they use a fixed customer reference number system together with your number plates details, rather than an isolated one time payment reference number system.
Despite how I rise from my sleepy abode, praps ya should jest take a moment or two to read Hylife's post above.
I don't see anywhere where he is saying "beware you fellow travellers residing in Victoria - VicRoads are different". He just seems to be trotting out that he had already actioned all and any advice/suggestions proffered in response and VicRoads were unable to meet his expectations.
The above response by Hylife, when now read with the original post, are simply expressions of dissatisfaction with VicRoads.
I do apologise if I have the bull by the proverbials .... but I only saw a thread that seemed to be asking for suggestions to overcome the inability to pre-pay Victorian motor registration when one is travelling this wide and wonderful land.
It therefore comes a little annoying that, following suggestions/advice from responding members, they are castigated with ".....it seems some of you didn't actually read my post."
As I said - guess next time I just won't bother.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Hi there. In SA we have a direct monthly debit system where rego is automatically deducted from your bank acc every month takes the worry out of not being covered and easy in the budgeting. Now I see there is nothing like this on offer as yet in Vic but there is an organisation where you can pay into for your reg in advance and they will renew for you. I suggest looking up the following.
Could solve your problem. Cheers. Daz
I also appologise I saw nowhere in your OP where you mentioned that you had visited a Vicroads office in person so the suggestion that you may have more success doing that was made in good faith. Possum and I both advised you that it would be in your best interest not to risk towing an unregistered vehicle in NSW - you stated in your OP that on the way home you may be forced to tow it at least part way in that condition. Hilife if this was just your way of highlighting inefficiencies in Vic Roads and Kebbin was correct in assuming that it was meant more for your fellow Victorians then why didn't you just say so and save us non Victorians the trouble of replying.
Jesus H Christ. No wonder people desert this forum shortly after joining. Some of you lot are like a bunch of bitchy teenage girls.
Read the d@mn original post! The reason for the post in the HEADING. The post was for the information of other members who may not be aware of this.
Now after reading the OP, read again what some of you "leap before you look" posted and stop behaving like a bunch of tossers!
It was made quite clear in the OP why you can't pay in advance in Victoria, being that without the renewal having been generated, you cannot pay early against an account that does not yet exist. I did not need to say whether I had gone into their offices or not as that is irrelevant, you still can't pay.
As for pay online, really! The OP stated I will be where there is no phone or Internet.