Interesting to see the variation.
That's about 20-30% higher than we pay in SE QLD which is fair enough IMHO. They are in business and must charge "what the market will bear"...they're not a charity.
Thanks for posting
Ah, good to see Balladonia & Caiguna are maintaining their "high price"reputation. Greedy buggers. Personally we are able to avoid both due to long range supplies.
We acknowledge and pay our respects to the British and European Elders past and present, who introduced civil society and prosperity to Australia.
You are correct Aus-Kiwi, However they do use that as very "usable" reason. Funny though, it is further to deliver fuel to Caiguna than it is to Balladonia. Fuel is sourced from Esperance for both locations.
-- Edited by Aussie1 on Monday 5th of June 2017 05:24:38 PM
We acknowledge and pay our respects to the British and European Elders past and present, who introduced civil society and prosperity to Australia.
When you think about it, how much extra does it really cost. For me if I filled up at nundroo , its about 1000ks to norseman. I get about 800k from a full tank. This will cost me and extra $20-$40. Not even that if I only fill up the minimum amount required to get to norseman. Not really worth worrying about. Though I do advise to top up when you can.
Not wishing to start a bun fight, but when you consider the factors involved in providing this service out there, the price seems reasonable. I know I wouldn't go and live remote in areas like this, and other places around Australia, without getting a very good return for my investment.
Would anyone here go and live there?
Regards Ian
Chaos, mayhem, confusion. Good my job here is done
Not wishing to start a bun fight, but when you consider the factors involved in providing this service out there, the price seems reasonable. I know I wouldn't go and live remote in areas like this, and other places around Australia, without getting a very good return for my investment.
Last year the prices where around $1.50 . I tell ya though . When you pull into a road house and they DONT have fuel!! Which is what happened to us come down Stuart in NT . The price of fuel â½ï¸ is of no concern !! Lol Beats walkin .
No I was referring to the more remote locations, such as the Nullarbor, that seem to upset people with prices for various commodities. But you knew that didn't you.
Of course, some city folk may think Pt Macquarie IS remote!!!!
Regards Ian
Chaos, mayhem, confusion. Good my job here is done
I am of the opinion, so I could therefore be wrong
That (for me), the high price of anything, on the Nullarbor, is now a fact of life
I am led to believe that they have to generate all their own power, and pump their own water
As MSG has already said, there is approximately 1,000 kilometres of high prices
When I look at it realistically if I fill up at either Norseman or Ceduna, and I do not let my tank go below one quarter full, I can travel 500 kilometres
I therefore only have to buy high price fuel, for 500 kilometres
The difference today for diesel from my home town of 129 CPL, to 174 CPL at Border Village, the highest price (a few days ago) is 45 CPL
45 CPL does sound a lot but as I would use less than 65 litres in 500 kilometres The extra cost to me would be less than $30
I actually stop at every servo on the Nullarbor, to buy something from them, even if it is only a coffee for the boss
I believe that one day, if there are no longer any servos on the Nullarbor, we can blame no one except ourselves
And as Tony pointed out - would some of you people freight the fuel for free? The stations have to provide power, water (including treating the salty bore water as well) for their establishments.
And as far as getting mechanics out there to work on their power plants - the costs were astronomical! The Telecom/Telstra staff from Norseman worked wonders after their normal work was finished at the Eucla RT. When I worked on the route in the 70s & 80s, it was then $5,000 just to get a mechanic out from Perth, plus parts, plus labour, plus keep. Perhaps some of the skin-flints who have mechanical skills could offer their services to these places.
In the "good old days" - the 70's, the owner (I won't name him) of Nullarbor Roadhouse always put up the fuel prices on long weekends. If you were stuck for cash, he'd take something of value eg a car radio to cover the payment!
We redid the trip about three years ago - found the diesel prices reasonable although Nundroo was the cheapest.
* And remember, if you want to travel on the cheap - how much will it cost when you run out of fuel to recover your vehicle? Might be cheaper to burn it or push it over the cliffs!
* And there are a lot of places more expensive than the "Nullarbor"!
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
Yep we have plenty of food on board . But we went out of our way to buy something to generate some sort of income .. Coffee seemed the best option .. About the ONLY time I have tipped too at home ..