Permanent travellers: What do you *like* most about living on the road?
These questions are directed at people who do not have a home to which they may return. I suspect they have a different mindset to those who may spend lengthy periods on the road but know they always have a home waiting for them.
"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"
Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland
The freedom to wander anywhere at any time that suits my mind and whim.
The freedom to choose my neighbours ... or to choose to have no neighbours.
No lawns or yard to maintain ... an everchanging view from my windows ... the lifestyle.
Having said, I am currently 'stuck' in Victoria due to family problems ... illnesses, traumas and issues that need support are things that undoes the two freedoms I mentioned above.
But at least I have the choice of just where I stay to give that assistance/support.
cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
We have 5 "Star" accommodation that we can move to any where in this great country. We are into year 4 and started the year in Adelaide for the "Tour Down Under". moved to Geelong for Cadell Evans ride up the road to South Werribee before catching the "Spirit of Tasmania" to the island for 3 months.
We are currently parked up at Mudgee show ground on our way to Lemon Tree Passage (house sit) before heading to Hervey Bay for a month on the Esplanade. We will then come back to Caloundra for more house sitting before heading to Wangaratta to do a small farm sit.
In amongst that we have helped family out with house make over in Central West of NSW.
What more would you want or LIKE about this lifestyle, the people you meet, the places you see, the experiences and above all this "Great Country" we have and should feel proud to call our home.
We are not alone and have met many "Grey Nomad" couples who have 5/7/10 years on the clock traveling and being full time on the road and far from looking forward to going back to bricks and mortar.
Guess what the 5 Star Accommodation is "JAYCO" 23' of Sterling Outback and we would not have any thing else.
Nothing. Growing up was an advenure. Having a family was very rewarding and the best but now we r in our next phase of life. The freedom to go wherever we want, do whatever we want n not b constrained by youth n needing to build a life or children, jobs, mortgage. Not answerable to anyone. Ahhh. Life is good. Every day just gets better n better.