It's cooling down here in the Daintree, chilly at the moment our over night min is 22 and a top of only 26. People re beginning to complain and going shopping for some warm clothes. Life can be tough here.
We've got the heater on for winter. (Around 7 weeks or so)
Won't turn off till then.
Set at a nice comfy 27deg
it's about 19 outside at present. (Cooooold snap).
we have to go down to Melb in AUGUST.... MID winter.
for madams son's 50'th.
Quick weekend says I??. NO WAY... Says herself.
2 farkin weeks. A death sentence no less.
Hibernation mode. in front of fire\tele. Zillion movies and a coupla good bottles.
When plane leaves. I'll move again.
How can you inhumans exist in that.
Come to sunny QLD. 25C during the day 15c at night. Can be a little windy this time of year, but better than sthern OZ during winter.Then go south in October. Magnetic island is great in the colder months... ask all the mexicans who arrive about now.....
I hate the cold but really we have nothing to complain about in Northern Vic atm. Early morning frosts followed by lovely, clear, calm sunny days. If this is Winter, bring it on!
at Calliope north side at the moment, been here for a couple of days, overnight temps down to 10c day yemps around 23c. Heading further north as soon as we can sort a few minor medical issues out which should take another day or so. Hope to get to the daintree again this year.
Steve, Di & Ziggy We named our Motorhome "Roadworx" because on the road works "On The Road Again" Ford Transit with 302 Windsor V8 conversion, C4 Auto, 9 Inch Ford Diff All Lighting L.E.D., 260 Amp/h AGM, 530 Watt Solar + Kipor Backup Gen.
Just spent a week at Wauchope. Nice mid 20s each day but really only for a short period. Quite cold overnight and a very, very heavy dew. Struggling to dry out thru the day and once the sun went down got cold & damp. Heading North (Coffs to Tweed somewhere) in a few weeks.
We left the Gold coast this morning after 10days of 23deg every day staying in a motel we wanted to get away from converting the bus and starting our retirement after working 7days a week for 10 years lucky it wasn't hard work, heading back home to South Gippsland and the cold only long enough to finish a few small things on the bus then heading over to the west for 3 to 4 months can't complain, heading south along the Pacific beach and we couldn't count the number of RV's heading north we've never seen so many it must be the great life style when you can follow the warmth. Happy travels, Danny and Rosina
I haven't been able to leave yet. Its the first winter in Canberra in 7 yrs. And, its not too bad. Max 10 and nights mostly below zero.
Of course, I'm not getting up too early either. Different to when I was working and had to get up at six. No walking down freezing streets into work either. Nice and warm in my little cocoon.
Will be on my way to Quilpie in the next week or so though.