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Post Info TOPIC: Finke Desert Race, has anyone camped along the track?


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Finke Desert Race, has anyone camped along the track?

Just wondering if anyone has camped along the Finke Desert Race track?



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Hi,  Have watched from Alice in the past but will be camping on the track for the first this Year. Need to be in place by the Thursday & must stay till the Tue.  Most of the information is on their website.




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No - not certain where it goes but we once drove from what used to be Wallara Ranch to Palm Valley - came across a section of the Finke River called Boggy Waterhole (a camp spot). After we did the trek, I heard that they put signs up at Palm Valley warning & showing with graphic pictures of what could happen if you did the trip & got bogged. We did it in our MQ Nissan with the car & roof rack fairly well loaded & two young children on board. If we had been towing something, we wouldn't have made it without a lot of digging.




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Thanks, can you drive along the track then pick a campspot?



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The main spectator area of the Fink race is held on a parallel (narrow duplicate right next to) the road from Alice to Chambers Pillar. You can camp anywhere along that road.



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wildlifer wrote:

Thanks, can you drive along the track then pick a campspot?

 Hi, From what I understand as long as You are camped a "safe" distance from the actual track. Guessing the Thursday set up is to give the Marshals plenty of time to  ensure competitors and spectators are relatively safe. The old sidings are pretty popular & generally fill up pretty quick. 




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Warren-Pat_01 wrote:

No - not certain where it goes but we once drove from what used to be Wallara Ranch to Palm Valley - came across a section of the Finke River called Boggy Waterhole (a camp spot). After we did the trek, I heard that they put signs up at Palm Valley warning & showing with graphic pictures of what could happen if you did the trip & got bogged. We did it in our MQ Nissan with the car & roof rack fairly well loaded & two young children on board. If we had been towing something, we wouldn't have made it without a lot of digging.

 The Track is from Alice Springs to Finke (Apaturla Community). approx 220klm then return leg the next day (Queens Birthday w/e). Supposedly Northern Territory,s biggest sporting event.



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There is heaps of space along that road to camp.

Here is the map



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Thanks all, be camping along the track somewhere.

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