Noticed in today's Adelaide Advertiser that Burra and Moonta in South Aust are to be heritage listed.
The Copper Triangle area is certainly worth a visit, Moonta in particular has many well preserved houses and public buildings from the era, as well as quite a bit of the mining infrastructure still standing.
Moonta also has an RV parking/free camp area close to the main shopping centre, no charge, need to be self contained, some water available, nice shady park like area max two nights I think.
Can't recall staying in Moonta but have enjoyed our stays in Burra.
One morning in Burra, staying at a great CP down on the creek/river bank, we had our A/C on heat cycle when it made a funny noise & shut down. It seems that the outside temp caused the problem. I just left it switched on and after 30min or so it came back on again. I contacted the supplier & he said that leaving it on was the correct action.
Love Burra & those miners homes cut into the river bank ... Pitty/sad about the unexpected flood that trapped many of them.
We'll have a look at Moonta next time we're in the area.
I think they need to look after these historical sites a little better. I visited Burra a few years ago and went through the riverbank dugout homes, I went back again late last year and visited the same site - not far off disappearing.