I am planning to do tour Sydney - Mildura - Broken Hill - Cobar during a fortnight in June. My question is how to keep warm, inside the van, whilst parked away from C/P's. My van does not have a Diesel Heater.
And mum is not very athletic. Cheers & Thanks in anticipation. KB
When it get to cold you will be happy to pay for a caravan park , Which is what happen to us . You can pay for a lot of caravan parks night for the cost of a Diesel Heater .
I am planning to do tour Sydney - Mildura - Broken Hill - Cobar during a fortnight in June. My question is how to keep warm, inside the van, whilst parked away from C/P's. My van does not have a Diesel Heater.
And mum is not very athletic. Cheers & Thanks in anticipation. KB
Hi Keiron
The beanie is great and the next thing is must have a hot water bottle. We also have a very good donna, flannel sheet. I suffer with cramps so winter bjs and been known to wear bed socks.
Without all the do gooders jumping on the band wagon all the regulatored air vans are open.
My first cuppa is good, boiling the billy first up helps to take the chill out of the van.
Hope this helps and may I add Saint Andrews Australian Tawny sold at Liquorland for $7 a bottle, very nice and that really helps.
All of the above + a good pair of wool-lined gloves (Bunnings). I tried to fold up our Eagle one freezing morning near Cowra - the gloves are permanently in the van (as well as the Canadian beanie - they are lined).
I could add that I used a Primus product for an hour in our past camper (with lots of ventilation) but the safety girus here might shoot me down! But that won't stop me from taking it to Bladensburg soon!
We're experienced at stopping at Canberra in the middle of winter, thankfully the van has a loo down at the other end - better than walking 50m to the toilets at 3am when it's -4 degrees!
And I think it's going to be 20 degrees here overnight (again).
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
Two pairs of socks, an extra jumper and a beanie - the beanie is *really* important - honest.
A campfire? I guess you could buy charcoal or firewood if you can't find any.
Yep, a beanie in cold climates is a lifesaver (I lived in Tassie for 40+ years). Also a scarf & knitted gloves can help. If you can keep your head (lose something like 40% of our body heat through our head) & feet warm, you are pretty right.
Maybe invest in some good (merino) thermal underthings..........
The Mobile Madhouse: me (Rosie), him (Troy), a kelpie, a kelpie-dingo, a husky & a rainbow lorikeet.
We've used one of those portable butane gas bottle heaters - around $60 and they run on the disposable gas cans that cost about $1.25 each. As long has your van has the legally required vents in the bottom of the van door plus some overhead ones you should not have a problem. We use ours to heat the van before going to bed and then first thing in the morning. They will only run for about 1 hour on a gas bottle and have safety features built in such as tip over and low oxygen cutouts.
My suggestion will bring many cries of "you must be mad" but in reality you already have a gas 3 or 4 burner cooker in the van plus the fridge running on gas.
If you wish to camp off power then bite the bullet and get a diesel heater. You will not regret it in the long run. We even find it handy on powered sites, when you come home at night you use both the electric and the diesel heater to quickly heat the van.
If you are going to have a camp fire then make sure she has a blanket around her back. My cook sat out one night without the blanket and then complained she could not warm up over the rest of the night. It was after that event that I got the Webasto heater installed. An accountant may convince me that I have not recouped my outlay but it has been worth it to satisfy her.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
I am planning to do tour Sydney - Mildura - Broken Hill - Cobar during a fortnight in June. My question is how to keep warm, inside the van, whilst parked away from C/P's. My van does not have a Diesel Heater.
And mum is not very athletic. Cheers & Thanks in anticipation. KB
Keep Yiaya close by your side and teach her to be athletic :)...