Just wondering if anyone has camped at Yass were heading through there in few days time,any recommendations would be much appreciated we will stay one maybe two nights....
If you are wanting a caravan park then Yass is not too bad but it's not a resort park. It's good for a night or two unless you have a very large van. (I take it you are wanting a powered site as you were not one of those demanding a free camp.)
-- Edited by PeterD on Friday 5th of May 2017 10:23:34 AM
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
Thanks for the feedback everyone we were looking at a freecamp but we use both free and c/ps ,there are a couple of free ones on wikki camps,looks like no one on the forum has used them .if We find a good one I will be surprised so a C/p will have to do..we regularly stay at Jugiong Doug but this time we want explore Yass properly.
We camped at Yass Showgrounds two weeks ago. Power and water available at $20 per night. Amenities block near rodeo area has been recently painted and restored. Like many showgrounds it is as clean as the last person who used it. Manager was good for local tourist info and advice. From here we did trip to Wee Jasper caves and Canberra. Beautiful freecamps available in Wee Jasper area but hilly drive to get to them.Interesting National Trust property in town (Hamilton Hume). The only possible concern is depending on numbers there you may have quite a walk (or drive) to the amenities. We would definitely stay there again in the future.
-- Edited by KenK on Saturday 6th of May 2017 04:10:10 PM
-- Edited by KenK on Saturday 6th of May 2017 04:10:50 PM