Just letting Pacific Hwy travellers know , that Three Creeks campground Has reopened.
It is located at Kungala Rd Kungala. Where is that , you ask . Halfway Creek . The turn off is at
th Rose Farm , just north of the Shell 6 k off th hwy . When you leave the Hwy , just up over the hill,
turn right . Do NOT go on the dirt road . Then follow the road out to 3 cks . If you get to the railway line STOP.
Turn around , come back a couple of hundred yards . One more little hint . Slow down for the bridge crossings,
you dip into them , if you are a bit quick , you tend to "Hit em hard" , as we know most creek crossings are.
P.S . Toilet there , don't know about shower.
$5 a head per night.