The one that gets me is Slaughter on 12th Avenue - West Side Story runs a good 2nd. For a movie with no words and only music it would have to be City Light by Charles Chaplin.
I'm always fascinated how music can make or break a movie.
Over the Easter week end we drove 500km to Kanyacka ruins in the Flinders Ranges where there was an out door screening amongst the ruins of the musical version of War of the Worlds. Beanies, gloves, warm cloths and a bottle of Stones Original Green Ginger Wine. Then spent the night in the car park. What a treat!
Over the Easter week end we drove 500km to Kanyacka ruins in the Flinders Ranges where there was an out door screening amongst the ruins of the musical version of War of the Worlds. Beanies, gloves, warm cloths and a bottle of Stones Original Green Ginger Wine. Then spent the night in the car park. What a treat!
Cheers, Peter
WOW, really envious. Will try to get back to Paronella Park next week for a string orchestra in front of the ruins
Pay it forward - what goes around comes around
DUNMOWIN is no longer on the road and still DUNMOWIN!
Over the Easter week end we drove 500km to Kanyacka ruins in the Flinders Ranges where there was an out door screening amongst the ruins of the musical version of War of the Worlds. Beanies, gloves, warm cloths and a bottle of Stones Original Green Ginger Wine. Then spent the night in the car park. What a treat!
The one that gets me is Slaughter on 12th Avenue - West Side Story runs a good 2nd. For a movie with no words and only music it would have to be City Light by Charles Chaplin. I'm always fascinated how music can make or break a movie.
Thanks Santa, played it straight away. First heard it in the early 60's when a mates' old man lent me a 78 with it on - said listen to this, real music not like that rock and roll rubbish.
I find it strange how melodies speak a language to ones' inner's like we speak and listen to words but music is another language that real gets you to the marrow.
Thanks Santa, played it straight away. First heard it in the early 60's when a mates' old man lent me a 78 with it on - said listen to this, real music not like that rock and roll rubbish. I find it strange how melodies speak a language to ones' inner's like we speak and listen to words but music is another language that real gets you to the marrow.
All very true Hako.
"First heard it in the early 60's when a mates' old man lent me a 78 with it on - said listen to this," similar experience, these discoveries! in your youth stay with you throughout your life.
Perhaps the best TV series ever made; Edge of Darkness:
Music written by Eric Clapton.
My ex partner is a classical musician and she had to stop watching the series because she found the music too emotionally powerfully when combined with Bob Peck's grief.
Best music for a a film? No contest: Easy Rider.
"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"
Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland
Whitney Houston's voice from the Bodyguard is unbelievable, Mike Oldfields eerie Tubular Bells piano melody sets the mood in the Exorcist and the Last Of The Mohicans soundtrack is a real favourite of mine. Over the years we have also enjoyed going to live stage shows to see musical productions such as Reg Livermore's Rocky Horror Show or Betty Blockbuster Follies, The Buddy Holly Story, Hair , Jesus Christ Superstar. etc. etc. I guess everyone has their own personal taste in music and the way that they like to listen to it ...... it is one of the real pleasures in life..
Hi, The Dirty Dozen, Kelly's Heroes and many others mentioned by members here I enjoyed. I fell in love with Donald Sutherland after seeing him play the part of oddball in Kellys Heroes and how proud he was of his tank lol. And Tim Currys singing and performance in The Rocky Horror Picture Show was awesome. I give a huge tick to all the other movies mentioned by all other members....Kisha.