As a member of the face book group named Rolling Solo's. I would like to give a shout out, to any G.N'S that might be considering a trip to the red centre in August.
" DON'T"
There will be a convoy of approx 500 women heading to Ularu early August. I know that some of our G.N'S are also members of this group. I'm sure some maybe going on this trip. As much as I enjoy the company of others, the thought of 500 women on the loose scares me to death. Can you even imagine the camp ground? It's going to be a crazy time. I hope they all have a safe & enjoyable trip. For me.....I might stay home! ")
Thanks for the warning. I'll be coming down through Alice in either late July or early August but would like to do my best to avoid that. I couldn't find the exact date on the net. It said 5 days. Do you know which days so I can either speed up my trip or hang back? Thanks. Diane
Yep, I'm one of those crazy women that is going to this event, it's on from the 25th to 30th August with convoy's hitting the road from the 15th August, well organized with groups staggered and allowing for the rest of travelling public to move freely.
Yep, I'm one of those crazy women that is going to this event, it's on from the 25th to 30th August with convoy's hitting the road from the 15th August, well organized with groups staggered and allowing for the rest of travelling public to move freely.
Sounds like it's organised,,, I'll be going the opposite way about then.
Thanks for the heads up.
Why is it so? Professor Julius Sumner Miller, a profound influence on my life, who explained science to us on TV in the 60's.
Thanks, Roundthebend. Late August fits in better with my trip. I'm just concerned I won't be able to get a campsite as I don't book ahead. I'll probably pass some convoys on my way back to WA. Diane