Operation Go Slow, starts at 12.01am tomorrow (Friday 21 April 2017) and continues until 11.59pm on Tuesday (25 April 2017). Double demerits will be enforced throughout the period for speeding, mobile phones, seatbelt, and motorcycle-helmet offences.
Officers will be a highly-visible presence on the roads during the operation, targeting speeding, mobile phone use, alcohol and drug-affected drivers, fatigue, and seatbelt use.
NSW Minister for Police and Minister Emergency Services, Troy Grant said road users need to act with responsibility on NSW roads.
We encourage people to get out and enjoy all NSW has to offer this long weekend, but to act responsibly and considerately on our roads.
No police officer should have to face a roadside tragedy, and no family member should have to get that devastating phone call or knock on their front door, Minister Grant said.
Roads Minister Melinda Pavey said people need to take extra care on the road as ANZAC Day approaches and the school holidays draw to a close and allow extra travel time so everyone arrives at their destinations safely.
Your family and friends would rather you were a little late than never make it at all,
Theres no need to rush, take your time, rest up before jumping behind the wheel and enjoy the break safely, Minister Pavey said.
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.
I retired almost 2 years ago and it immediately became possible for me to use everyday of the year as a chance to get away. People who are still working and especially if they have school age kids will try and use every opportunity they get to turn public holidays into "fake four day weekends" and as DD suggested good on them. The majority of Australians strongly support Anzac Day and what it represents so please don't use it as a way of supporting a point of view. As Ali El-Aziz suggested road safety should be the main concern for those of us out there on the road who are taking advantage of this long break.
diggerop - Monday is Flex day, Union Picnic, Aunties Funeral, Annual Leave, Don't give a damn about the Boss, Sickie, AWOL, There won't be anyone at work that can wangle a reason not to be there.
Taking only legitimate days off finished when us old farts gave up working.
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.
After I posted my reply I thought about Dougwe's term "fake 4 day weekend" and I believe he may have been referring more to the NSW police using it as a way to extend their double demerit period. I appologise Dougwe maybe I should have taken the time to read things a little more carefully before responding. I still believe that Anzac Day should never be used to support a point of view but I don't think that anyone here had that intention - sorry guys.
Over here in the west, for whatever reason there is no double demerits for Anzac Day
Anzac Day No double demerits as public holiday falls on a Tuesday
The above quote was taken from the WA Govt site
Like many others, I have never served in the armed forces, but also like many others, my name went into the compulsory birthday ballot for nasho, when I was around 19 years of age
As others above have already said, it is a time to reflect, and thank our armed forces
Travelling back from Coffs Harbour today saw 3 green p platers getting booked, in different locations, all were doing at least 20 k's over when they passed us, pity it wasn't double demerits today, they would now be sans licence and we would all be just a bit safer on the roads for a while.
diggerop - Monday is Flex day, Union Picnic, Aunties Funeral, Annual Leave, Don't give a damn about the Boss, Sickie, AWOL, There won't be anyone at work that can wangle a reason not to be there. Taking only legitimate days off finished when us old farts gave up working.
Re Sickies et al ..
Way back when I was worked for a living, on occasions like this I used to encourage my section managers to handle the situation by getting their people to accumulate Flex days & then roster absences so that there would be enough hands on deck to handle the albeit reduced workload with no adverse impact on our customers. As a result the work got done, the staff were happy & understood that we cared and my absences stats were good. I personally never had the days off. I was one of those people who really believed that our people made the difference. Our top Excs. just paid lip service to the idea.
Re Army Service..
I too had my birth date go into the barrel but before the draw was published the scheme was abolished so I didn't become a Nasho. I did however later do almost 3 years in the CMF & enjoyed almost every day of it. Picked up a few skills too.
With a Family history of Army service we really take ANZAC Day seriously at our place. As it was also my Father's birthday, it is a special day for us.
re. Double Demerit points ..
Not sure that we have it in Qld. but as was previously stated 'don't be naughty & you won't be sad'.
Any action the reduces the road toll is a good thing IMHO.
ps. My Father died at an early age in a car accident (after surviving appx 3 years as a POW in Singapore with all that that entails).
After I posted my reply I thought about Dougwe's term "fake 4 day weekend" and I believe he may have been referring more to the NSW police using it as a way to extend their double demerit period. I appologise Dougwe maybe I should have taken the time to read things a little more carefully before responding. I still believe that Anzac Day should never be used to support a point of view but I don't think that anyone here had that intention - sorry guys.
Hi Dave, I am not sure this is a serious appology or not but take it that it is. Sometimes words don't come across the right way.
What I mean by my original comment is Tuesday is a public holiday, ANZAC DAY, a day to remember those that lost their life and were in the war. Not only the Anzacs IMO but all conflicts. We all know that anyway.
The trouble with a Tuesday or Thursday public holiday is that many, not all, take the Monday or Friday off as well turning it into a extra long week end (fake long weekend) without thinking what it might do to the people they work for, you know, the person that pays you to work for them and provide you and your family with food etc, etc. When I say 'you' I mean everyone, including me when I worked for a 'boss'. I must say though that I never once that I can remember took a Monday or a Friday off before a Tuesday or Friday that would create an extra long weekend. My choice, I valued my job and respected my boss so worked. I only got 'some' public holidays off anyway as that was the sort of work I was in, someone had to be there. I did get the penalty rates to help along the way.
I spent many years as a 'boss' also, so know both sides. Even when I was a boss, I had a boss.
Back to the original topic, I have no problem with the double points because only those that do the wrong thing will be affected.
Keep Safe on the roads and out there.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
Dougwe I was genuine with my appology I realised later that the points you made were on 2 seperate issues and the fact that it was Anzac day wasn't at all intended to sway your argument one way or the other.
In terms of turning breaks into fake 4 day weekends the people I was supporting were those who did it legally by using their rostered days, taking a single days annual leave etc. This was common practice in the industry that I worked in which employed over 1200 people. Those who took sick leave before or after a PH would need a doctor's certificate or they wouldn't get paid for the day that they took off or the public holiday itself. The number of extra people that we carried on crews with 15 working positions allowed us to roster 3 off. On special occasions the guys would even agree to cover the work with less people in order to allow a couple more to be off.
Other than Roving Dutchy those who strongly support the use of double demerit points in NSW actually live in a state that doesn't have them. In fact if you are driving in NSW on a Qld license this weekend and are unlucky enough to get booked single demerit points will only transfer across the border. Don't get me wrong I'm in favour of using double demerit points to discourage people from doing the wrong thing on our roads but that shouldn't just mean for NSW license holders. I don't actually know if double points transfer to states like WA and Vic or vice versa as I believe that they also run similar programs as NSW during peak holiday periods.