For the quickest run take the blue line. If you wish to do some camping along the way take one of the other routes. If you wish to steer clear of Sydney and its tolls don't take the blue route.
The distances do not vary as much as the travel times as shown but if you are towing a van then the travel times will not vary as much as those solo travelling times. Personally I would choose one of the routes that dodge Sydney.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
Thanks Peter
We are aiming on getting from point A to point B as its part of our drive home so maybe an overnight stop in a caravan park. We are not wanting to holiday or sight see this time.
I would take the Oxley Hwy out of Port Macquarie.A very pretty and easy drive up the mountain to Walcha. Have done it heaps of times but there again I live near P.M. Nice camping spots out of Walcha too.
I agree with Peter take the blue route i.e. Golden Hwy/Hunter Expressway/Pacific Hwy. We took the van from Newcastle to Mudgee along the Golden Highway 2 weeks ago and although Peter's map shows some roadwork there are only a couple of short sections between Denman and Sandy Hollow. From Dubbo there is no need to go anywhere near Sydney unless for some reason you wanted to visit that area on the way home. The grey routes although scenic the road is probably not as good as they involve some windy sections and climbs I guess it depends on what you are towing.
For the quickest run take the blue line. If you wish to do some camping along the way take one of the other routes. If you wish to steer clear of Sydney and its tolls don't take the blue route.
The distances do not vary as much as the travel times as shown but if you are towing a van then the travel times will not vary as much as those solo travelling times. Personally I would choose one of the routes that dodge Sydney.
Pam don't concern yourself Pete just had a wee relapse, neither of the routes go near tolls or Sydney.If taking the blue route it will be smooth driving most of the way, the others will entail a mountain range, maybe stop at Karuah overnight?
Staying on the Golden Hwy and following the shortest route you would normally come out at Wittingham on the New England Hwy south of Singleton which is just before the start of the Hunter Expressway. This means going through Denman and Jerrys Plains but the other places mentioned are optional, if you want to follow the New England through Maitlaind instead of the expressway I've heard that the showground has cheaper powered camping sites available - someone else could maybe confirm that. As you didn't say when you were travelling you are probably already sitting at home by now and can advice us on what are the best options for that trip...