That is a problem with that type of connection. If you could connect it to the bayonet fitting on your van then ostensibly will be using 2 regulators which won't work very well. As you say you can carry another gas bottle say a 2kg. one.
Regards Chris
-- Edited by vanman on Monday 17th of April 2017 07:48:41 PM
Hi Kiwimagic I had the same problem with the Weber so I just bought a hose already made up without the regulator from a camping store and swapped it over, I can't remember how much it was but I don't think that it was too expensive.
I had my original fitting altered to a bayonet fitting to suit the then van. The later van didn't have a bayonet so I ordered a new LPG lead from Gasmate.
I can now use either bottle or bayonet. Current van has bayonet. Great BBQ, easy to clean and heats up quickly. Would not buy any other.