Runs off your RV & down the street curb drain and usually out to the ocean.
Bathroom light grey - shower & hand basin
Most Queensland councils specify that it should be treated/filtered and can then be dumped on lawns etc. A DIY filtering system can be easily home made for next to nothing using a bucket and some Polly tubing.
Not all RVs have light grey holding tanks so it must be discharged as used.
Most RV parks are relaxed about this and allow it to be dumped without filtering on grass etc.
The RV parks with what they call grey water dumps on each site are actually sewer dumps and so they comply with all waste water dumped in them
Kitchen heavy grey - inside and outside kitchen types
Most Queensland councils insist that this is directed to the sewer.
This seems to be a grey area [pardon the pun] with most RV parks, as not all Caravans have separate Bathroom & Kitchen plumbing systems, and therefore turn a blind eye to it being dumped on the grass etc.
Not all RVs have heavy grey holding tanks so it must be discharged as used.
The RV parks with what they call grey water dumps on each site are actually sewer dumps and so they comply with all waste water dumped in them
Toilet black water cassette & holding tank types
The two most common toilet collection systems are approx. 15 litre cassettes & 200 litre [with usually a 40 litre transfer dolly in case you need to empty some before leaving and using the central dump point] holding tanks. Both of these require chemical treatment and with the 200 litre holding tanks its advised to add a little chemical each day.
Caravans using the cassette system can retro fit to a holding tank system relatively easily one wonders why the manufactures dont fit them as standard on all vans over say 20 as that way the owner can choose how they want to use them. We suspect that they are saving around $200 on each caravan they sell.
Most RV parks direct you to dump in a central dump point although this is not technically necessary as most parks have only one dump point on each site and as by law it is a sewer dump to allow for the heavy grey water discharge from the kitchens.
The RV parks with what they call grey water dumps on each site are actually sewer dumps and so they comply with all waste water dumped in them.
Most parks have only one dump point per site and this is usually a sewer dump to comply with the councils regulations that all kitchen discharge must go down the sewer.
Its may not be necessary to dump your black water cassette or dolly into the central dump point, as the dump point on each site all goes to the same place the sewer.
Also its a lot cleaner than the black water discharged by the central toilet block as its been expensively chemically treated by you.
Its our opinion that all 20 plus RV manufactures should be made to install holding tanks [Heavy & light grey combined plus a black] system capable of lasting a family at least a week, as is the direction in many counties.
The above is for your information only and one should of course comply with all directions issued to you by the individual parks, we must assume that the mangers of the parks have studied up on this issue..but in the absence of any direction its your call.
Its our opinion that all 20 plus RV manufactures should be made to install holding tanks [Heavy & light grey combined plus a black] system capable of lasting a family at least a week, as is the direction in many counties.
Your comments please J
Why enforce a manufacturor to fit something that may not be needed.......if a van is purchased an the owner only has an interest in staying in caravan parks which have the grey water points provided why burdem them with an extra cost.
It should remain as an option for the purchaser to choose as required.
You also mention counties........are you in Aus or overseas, if overseas l ets leave their ideas there :)
I Remember It ...............All Too Well
Wherever the four winds blow. I'm restless, I'm ready
I guess where i was coming from that apparently the extra cost of a holding tank [for a small van it could be only 50 liters and a bigger van up to 200 liters] would be negligible in a production line scenario.
Considering that a non cassette toilet is cheaper and more range available and it would not be necessary to build the opening flap with hinges and lock - the plumbing is much the same.
We have a neighbor who purchased a van that came standard with a TV & Microwave, neither of wheh he uses - but he realizes that the next person he sells to might appreciate them and he would be right.
It then gives the consumer the choice to still use an external cassette/dolly or dump directly when a dump point is available, either at the park site if allowed, on the way in our out of a park, at the council site, at home if ones installed etc
Happy Easter
John in Aust now on the road 400 + nights consecutive
I guess where i was coming from that apparently the extra cost of a holding tank [for a small van it could be only 50 liters and a bigger van up to 200 liters] would be negligible in a production line scenario.
Considering that a non cassette toilet is cheaper and more range available and it would not be necessary to build the opening flap with hinges and lock - the plumbing is much the same.
We have a neighbor who purchased a van that came standard with a TV & Microwave, neither of wheh he uses - but he realizes that the next person he sells to might appreciate them and he would be right.
It then gives the consumer the choice to still use an external cassette/dolly or dump directly when a dump point is available, either at the park site if allowed, on the way in our out of a park, at the council site, at home if ones installed etc
Happy Easter John in Aust now on the road 400 + nights consecutive
200L = 200Kg!!!!!
Weight is always an issue with caravans & adding the extra 175Kg (subtract 15Kg for a cassette toilet) would require an extensive & expensive redesign not to mention GVM/GTM issues with the already challenged current generation of tugs.
It would be impractical to reserve 175/200Kg of the (common) 400Kg allowance for this purpose.
I fully understand that many travellers encounter sites where they spend the night - or longer - that have varying restrictions on discharge of grey water.
However, I am a full-time traveller and have am now entering my ninth year 'on the road'.
I am either extremely fortunate or don't camp/travel in the same areas as what appears to be the majority of 'travellers'.
I have yet needed to have a grey water tank or to contain any discharge - obviously I have seen notations in Camps book etc where "self-contained vehicles only" apply. I simply have not had the need to stop at those sites - there are always others without such restrictions nearby.
I sometimes stay in showgrounds and van parks - and none of those I have stayed at have had restrictions on grey water discharge. Certainly, it is common for a sullage point to be provided so that grey water is disposed of in their system. As I am predominantly inland, small towns, small van parks, I find they direct that grey water is on their trees or grass - it is almost the only water they get.
Therefore, I feel the inclusion of grey water tanks in a caravan should be offered as an option not as a mandatory fitting as it is something that will quite probably get limited use.
I can concede that the restrictions on grey water have the potential to be more widespread - but I doubt it will be so restrictive that tanks fitted to vans will be compulsory.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Thanks for the are correct but in practical terms one would not travel very far with full "Heavy & LIght" Grey plus "black" water - get rid of it as soon as possible.
Di you know the new breed of vans that have been developed by the likes of Jaco [world head office] have greatly reduced the weight and therefor the need for bigger tugs.
In our current model on release it was noted that it was 1 ton less than previous for the same size and options
We will get there :)
Happy Easter
John on the river
PS Jayco is owned worldwide by Thor Industries who also own/make over 35 other makes of caravans including Airstream, Kingstone, Highland, etc etc - amazing factories nearly as big as Boeing if put together
You are truly doing Aust a big service, they should pay you from the coffers of parks and gardens for a job well done........keep watering LOL
Happy Easter
I think you might have missed my point.
I do see the inclusion of grey water tanks are ultimately, and quite potentially, going to be part of new vans.
However, whilst that may be the case, there are still 1000s of actual camps that are unlikely to introduce grey water restrictions.
Perhaps these two "camps" give an indication of what I mean.
I firmly believe using rest areas (foolishly called camps) such as this will inevitably cause them to become available to "self-contained only' vehicles ... they are quite an abomination really and probably should just be closed and returned to the local populace's enjoyment.
However, places where one can actually 'camp' will remain without such restrictions, if not forever, then for many decades yet ...
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Water means weight. We have a single tank underneath our caravan for drinking water. If we fill it above half capacity we're over our legal 1580kg maximum.
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
Yes John, i got your message, best to just make use of the camps available now and enjoy.
The big looming problem i see is Heavy Grey water discharge, most councils wont allow it anywhere except in a sewer - light grey is ok but even then it must be filtered before discharge [not enforced much as yet] ...but to be sure big brother is watching
Thanks for the are correct but in practical terms one would not travel very far with full "Heavy & LIght" Grey plus "black" water - get rid of it as soon as possible.
Di you know the new breed of vans that have been developed by the likes of Jaco [world head office] have greatly reduced the weight and therefor the need for bigger tugs.
In our current model on release it was noted that it was 1 ton less than previous for the same size and options
We will get there :)
Happy Easter
John on the river
PS Jayco is owned worldwide by Thor Industries who also own/make over 35 other makes of caravans including Airstream, Kingstone, Highland, etc etc - amazing factories nearly as big as Boeing if put together
The thing that gets up my nose is campers that camp as close to rivers, lakes etc as they can and discharge the grey water on the spot ( like the inconsiderate long term campers at Greens), I think you will find that, you should be at lest 50 meters back from any watercourse if you wish to discharge grey water on the ground in such places.
-- Edited by Kebbin on Saturday 15th of April 2017 05:56:40 PM
I'm one of those 'long term' campers but no way am I what you call "inconsiderate". I DO NOT have a grey water hose out and empty my grey water by hand in a bucket and take to a tree to empty. Not near the water edge. If you want to be so smart what about all the camp fires at water edge and ashes washed into lake during strong winds. You made no mention of that.
I am a very considerate camper.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
You do read like a very considerate man Dougee, but I have seen it all over besides Greens, so don't take it personal, the camp spots along the Murray and Murrumbidgee also.
Lets face it light duty Euro type caravans will always be in the minority in Australia, with good reason. Most people don't give two hoots about where their water discharges.
You're trying to do the right thing Dougwe but eventually everything on the sloping shore around the lake ends up in it.
-- Edited by Desert Dweller on Saturday 15th of April 2017 07:24:15 PM
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
Hi John,
Your first waste water comment about rain run off is a bit broad because if you are camping out in the bush, rain run off is a valuable source of fresh water. There are devices on the market to assist with capturing rain water to top up your tank/s when not parked next to the curb where water runs down the gutter. We live 5 kms from the Murray River, our rain run off all ends up in the river eventually, so grey water disposal next to a water course will also end up in the watercourse, filtered through the ground's natural filtering system. However it should not be dumped adjacent to the watercourse, but at a distance.
Caravan parks insist black water from cassette toilets be emptied into the larger dump point and not standard toilets because (we actually saw this happen) sometimes contents will block the system in a conventional toilet because believe me, not all people expensively treat their black water. We carry a spare cassette as they are compact and easy to transport once full. There is now an option for people to install a composting toilet in your van/motorhome which can last for weeks before requiring attention. Best option after a cassette that I would consider.
Grey water tanks are becoming a necessity more and more as councils and park rangers are becoming more vigilant with the never ending rules. These tanks do not add extra water weight as they are empty until redistribution of water (that becomes waste) from a water tank. Installation placement under the van needs consideration to ensure the waste water that is shifted from one tank to the grey tank does not interfere with the overall weight distribution throughout the van. A 200 litre black water tank is just not possible because of weight limits.
If everyone is as considerate (and should be) when camping as is Dougwe, our countryside would be pristine and the waterways not under direct threat from contaminants. I guess it comes down to the respect for our environment which should be greater than that of our personal wants.
The fresh water turns into heavy & light grey water and if let drain into the holding tank weighs the same.
There is some places as you would know [show grounds etc] where you cant discharge anything, so if you had holding tanks it would be a great advantage, and you can dump on the way out.
I have expanded my take on it a little see below.
With say an 18 footer you may have a 50 liter holding tank, as in mentioned in my blog, you also should have a cassette/dolly on wheels as part of the package -
Now its your choice if you want to connect the transfer dolly to the holding tank and wheel it to wherever to dump [as you say you do now]
Or... as is allowed in "some parks" connect your holding tank,via the same hose [s] as your light & heavy grey water hose [s] directly to the sewer point at your site. can wait until you are moving your van and dump directly to the sewer point in the park, or a council dump point, or if you have the facility at your home.
It just gives you more choice and trust me, on the occasions that your allowed to connect up right at your site its soooow much easier.
Note: The holding tank package normally includes a larger house 3 inches with a "push fit multi hole size discharge end" for a good seal at the dump point [for Black, light & heavy grey water] Plus a cassette/dolly on wheels when you need to empty before you leave the site or if there is no dumping allowed in your sites sewer point.
Because of the tight fitting hoses and chemical treating of the wast water there is no odor - A couple of picks are attached for your convenience
So its all about options - if the extra cost was negligible, there is no down side.
Wishing you and your family a lovely Easter Sunday
Thanks for the are correct but in practical terms one would not travel very far with full "Heavy & LIght" Grey plus "black" water - get rid of it as soon as possible.
Di you know the new breed of vans that have been developed by the likes of Jaco [world head office] have greatly reduced the weight and therefor the need for bigger tugs.
In our current model on release it was noted that it was 1 ton less than previous for the same size and options
We will get there :)
Happy Easter
John on the river
PS Jayco is owned worldwide by Thor Industries who also own/make over 35 other makes of caravans including Airstream, Kingstone, Highland, etc etc - amazing factories nearly as big as Boeing if put together
Yes Jayco seems to be moving with the times,inventing, making them out of new space age much lighter materials.....we will definatly be bying another, be it a little bigger :)
Thor purchased Jayco Corp (USA) which shares nothing at all with Jayco (Australia) except the name. As previously stated, Jerry Ryan owns Jayco Australia and it is and remains a private company as far as I am aware. The thing that gets up my nose is campers that camp as close to rivers, lakes etc as they can and discharge the grey water on the spot ( like the inconsiderate long term campers at Greens), I think you will find that, you should be at lest 50 meters back from any watercourse if you wish to discharge grey water on the ground in such places. Absolutely.......
regarding the "extra" weight carried when considering a grey system, in reality it shouldn't be such a problem.
The sites that restricts grey dumping typically do not supply fresh water either. So you have to use the stuff you carried there.
Your fresh water tank is down 100 litres for the 80 litres of grey water that you carry out.
I dont know where the other 20 odd litres goes but the ratio is never perfect for some reason!!
Very rare that you can leave with full fresh AND full grey or black....................