This could be a touchy subject , our oldest son and his wife are planning to have a child next year ,our household is divided my wife has said she wants to be around a lot for grandkids.
I on the other hand dont want to be a baby sitter , dont get me wrong I love my sons and have given them a lot , but I'm not a baby / toddler person .
We get a lot of grand parents staying at our park , coming to look after the kids and most cant wait to hit the road again after a week or two.
Who knows I may change my mind but I'm not the person choosing to have a child , if you do you should be prepared to raise that child with "all' your time and attention
not go on a holiday and off load the kids on family . How do others view the subject I'm interested .
Mezza56 X2 but do occasionally house sit for them if and when it fits in with our schedule. When you retire I reckon it is time for you and your wife to enjoy what life you have left together doing the things yous couldn't when you were raising your own children.
We never got nor expected our parents to babysit for us, if they want to have children then let them take the responsibilities of raising them themselves. The trouble with most of the younger ones now is they are not willing to go without as we did to have a family.
My wife and I raised five lovely children all born within seven years and never regret going without the luxuries to have them and now to also have fifteen wonderful grandchildren.
Just my two bobs worth.
Couldn't imagine anything worse. I never had kids but took on the responsibility for the wife's two. They have long gone now, the youngest has two daughters and whilst the wife loves to see them she won't babysit, says she did her bit years ago. I have absolutely no interest in kids , if I had my way I'd never see them. The wife's two were more than enough for me.
If this is is any indicator of attitudes, I'm not at all surprised that a lot of kids nowadays have no respect for elders or authority, you get back exactly what you give, little interest and lack of care will be returned in spades.
Should anyone decide to respond and be interviewed by SBS just keep in mind they can cut and edit that interview how ever they please including editing in different questions to your answers or chopping out sections where you explain what you actually meant by what you just said.
I'm not suggesting SBS will deliberately attempt to show you in a poor light but their priority is to produce an interesting TV programme - your needs and wants come a *very* poor second.
"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"
Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland