Hello all - I recently returned from a BlazeAid Camp for the St. Ivans fires near Dunedoo. I found it to be a very rewarding experience. The generosity of people is unbelievable in times of crisis - the donations were incredible. I also met some great people. They had 3 camps for this fire - one at Dunedoo, Cassillis and I think there was one being setup at Coolah. No doubt there will be some camps setup for the floods that came from 'Debbie'. If you have any spare time, I am sure you would be more than welcome at any of the camps and the people that you help are certainly grateful for this help. If you can, go onto the BlazeAid website and it shows where the camps are and who to contact. Have a very Happy Easter and enjoy your travels (not too many chocy eggs though - lol!!).
Hi Nelly, we returned from Mudgee last week and I saw a group of people working hard to replace the burnt out fences along the Ulan Road not far from the Golden Hwy turnoff, I said to my wife that they were probably BlazeAid volunteers. I was going to stop and offer them a cold drink or a cuppa but we couldn't find a safe spot to pull over with the van as that section of road was fairly narrow. I been thinking about volunteering myself but not sure how useful I would be having a suspect back. I'll visit their website and check out what they are looking for hopefully they have something less physical for us old blokes than just digging holes.
Hello there Belmont Bear - I think if you found which camp that you were interested in and ring the co-ordinator and explained your situation they would be able to let you know what is going on. I stayed around the camp and helped in the kitchen and did a bit of cleaning etc. Some of the people that went out to do the fencing didn't have to dig holes - they just held the posts for lining up the fence, tied wire on etc. but I am sure the co-ordinator could tell you all of this. All in all a worthwhile experience I thought.