Following on from the best three places you've been to.
Ours are all in Victoria & in the Camps8 book.
1. Site 250 Major Creek Reserve near Nagambie. Should be a nice spot but enough rubbish laying around to fill a couple of tip trucks, the lingering stench of alcohol & urine, Toilets would need a team with Gurney guns & gas masks to clean.
2. Site 286 Pyramid Hill Caravan Park. Nice little town but CP floods to shin depth & never drains away after just a small amount of rain, workmen use women's toilets to shower in, mushrooms growing in shower cubicles. Never cleaned.
3 Site 440 Waanyaara near Dunolly. Not a flat area or a blade of grass anywhere, dust & lots of unfriendly fossickers staring at us suspiciously as we entered, didn't stay. A total dump.
Let's hear yours.
-- Edited by Desert Dweller on Tuesday 11th of April 2017 06:15:55 AM
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
We have been lucky, in not having overly bad experiences as we have travelled around.
The 3 "worst", or "least enjoyable" stops we have had were:
1) Merridin Caravan Park WA - Freight trains shunting and moving through town most of the night directly across the road, and the trucks constantly running along the highway that the road was. A very disturbed night.
2) Ouyen Caravan Park - for the same reason as above.
3) Raymond Terrace - Caravan park here had only 8 or 10 tourist sites, with the remainder being permanents. That in itself wasn't an issue, but the fighting, shouting an swearing during the afternoon had us on edge for the evening. Turned out to be fine.
As I say, nothing bad, and we didn't have any real issues, so we consider ourselves very lucky.
Regards Ian
Chaos, mayhem, confusion. Good my job here is done
You are either trying to be funny or you have just managed to offend 2/3 of Australia's population. I personally have no problem with any of the states or the people who live in them, in fact I would be happy to see the idea of having seperate states disappear even it just meant eliminating the need for half of our politicians.. There is a friendly rivalry between us and also with our mates across the ditch but that doesn't mean I wouldn't visit any of them and take advantage of what each place has to offer.
Hobart Showgrounds, Tas, - unless they have improved - limited amenities, and power points very suspect.(2012/13)
Jules, Hobart showgrounds have undergone big makeover. Lots better in 2015/16. More power other than on the oval, more amenities. Highly recommend now.
Pay it forward - what goes around comes around
DUNMOWIN is no longer on the road and still DUNMOWIN!
Hey Blaze, don't you go worrying too much about Macka he's a tough dude and doesn't really need anyone to stick up for him - if we start to get under his skin he will just increase his dosage and return serve......
Colac when the lake was dry .... Fantastic when full
Belmont Pines when the wind was blowing preventing me from Kayaking .. Unbelieveable when calm. In my list of my all time favorites if I can get my prefered site.
Halls Creek when the locals ran sticks along the corrugated iron fence on their way down town at night .. not much better during the day & no real alternative for us.
We are careful to check out CPs & available sites before committing .. wherever possible. We don't free camp either.
Broken Hill Racing Club. Other than the early morning horses being trained in the morning, which was fun to watch, it floods out with a little ran and youre in a foot deep of dirty water within hours, filthy old smelly toilets and showers, when busy - they let people park their vans hard up against the few water taps making it difficult to get your own water to cart and top up your own vans, hire out their club rooms at short notice for rowdy 21sts and then tell all the campers a few hours beforehand they might want to move (god yes - to the other side of the earth with the screaming music, the drinken oud mouth teenage males and females.
No - I haven't finished yet, go into the antique mans dunnies to find a caravan power lead strung across it at neck height to a power point and stinking of stale urine, two showers only - both with no locks (whoops - walked into one occupied by a lady - and not my wife) and minimal power points which are 240v and you need an illegal adaptor to get power.
Oh, the dump point overflows and there is a long steel pole there for you to slosh up and down in it to try and get it to drain - wear gumboots
The caretaker female is nice enough, he looks feral and screams at his kids that theyre retards etc and the two kids - under 5 yrs or so wander naked around the area and walk into your van.
Very different.......had intended to stay there 2 weeks as a base - put up with it long enough to see Broken Hill and got out of there
Cheers Bruce
The amazing things you see when nomading Australia
Timber Creek . The local threw rocks at our motorhome . One actually opened the door . Didn't know what to do when he saw me standing chest height in front of him With steel cap boots on !! Drive through don't stop at IGA ..
-- Edited by Aus-Kiwi on Wednesday 12th of April 2017 09:02:30 AM
Cupie getting a waterfront site on the lake at the Belmont Pines is like winning the lottery especially during the summer holiday period when a lot of people from the local area like to stay there as well.
Macka - just wondering how you managed to rank Sydney as being the worst place you have been to if you haven't actually been there, must admit though you are improving this time you only managed to get 5 million people off side rather than the 2/3s of the population that you upset in your previous post on this topic ?
-- Edited by The Belmont Bear on Wednesday 12th of April 2017 09:48:06 AM
Cupie getting a waterfront site on the lake at the Belmont Pines is like winning the lottery especially during the summer holiday period when a lot of people from the local area like to stay there as well.
Macka - just wondering how you managed to rank Sydney as being the worst place you have been to if you haven't actually been there, must admit though you are improving this time you only managed to get 5 million people off side rather than the 2/3s of the population that you upset in your previous post on this topic ?
-- Edited by The Belmont Bear on Wednesday 12th of April 2017 09:48:06 AM
My favs are sites 110 to 106 or the elevated ones 19 & 20 but the views from 78 & 79 are good too.
We keep a folder of CPs we visit with notes about various sites ... sometimes we just drive thru & gather info for future visits. Have a note that that Belmont Pines CP 'can be very windy' but has 'excellent water views'.
Some good 'restaurants' overlooking the lake there too.
re SYDNEY .. We usually stay at Narabeen Lakes .. A bit far out but great water both in Lake for safe swimming & kayaking, typical Sydney ocean pool & fairly good beaches .. Great transport at door but expensive. Other option is better located Lane Cove. I love Sydney. A fantastic & diverse City. When working I used to visit there for a couple of days every month for 3 or 4 years. Always found interesting things to do in my spare time.
re Timber Creek .. No probs on our stay but had a good laugh at the feeding of the (fresh water) crocks show for the tourists
re Tennant Creek .. The Police used to regularly drive through the CP looking for ferrals when we were there.
re Hermansberg .. Agree that it was not inviting (We did a day trip on our way to Palm Valley .. some great looking camps in there) but I got a full video & snaps of the most interesting paintings at Albert N gallery before I found that photography was not permitted. So I turned the camera off. I've heard that they have made great social changes there in recent years though.
Cupie the next time you are down that way try Swansea CP a couple of kms down the road, same access to the lake for your Kayak but not as exposed to the wind.
Cupie the next time you are down that way try Swansea CP a couple of kms down the road, same access to the lake for your Kayak but not as exposed to the wind.
NOT the worst place I've EVER been to.
I've NEVER been there.
BUT would be one of the places I'd be least interested in visiting.
Seeing as what it is.
A city
AS Said. Just another city.
Very minimal interest in going to any of them.
I've been to quite a few in the world. None turn me on.
Rather the latter.
Just that NSW. Or at least their Police force.
was about the least popular of the States in Aust back in the '70's.
By other Staters on bikes.
They (NSW Police), had thje most corrupt/
Bad reputation of all of them.
So Macka, you hate NSW although never having seen the place. Your opinion is based upon some bike riders' opinion. Are some of your favourite places those that although you have never visited, have been given a glowing report by some other bike riders?
The worst place I've been to in the last few months is the one and only night I spent in a caravan park. About a dozen drunk bogans were having a very loud party till after 3 in the morning.
Cheers, John.
"My mind is made up. Please don't confuse me with facts."