- cooking and housework for a family in QLD during grain harvest. Has led to regular work and farm sitting for the same family since 2012
- cooking, child minding, school bus run at Three Springs WA - 2013
- caravan park maintenance near Port Hedland WA - 2013
- cooking for construction staff and farm staff near Port Hedland WA - 2013
- milking cows and garden maintenance near the Great Ocean Rd Victoria - 2014 + 2015 + 2016
- farm hand sheep property near Katanning WA - 2014
- feeding beef cattle and general farm work near Albany WA -2014 and 2015
- cooking for a cattle mustering team near the Burdekin Dam QLD - 2015
- housework, cooking and farm maintenance at Condamine QLD 2016
- caravan park maintenance East Gippsland Vic. 2016 + 2017
Jenny and Barry
2009 Roma Elegance / 2013 Colorado. Permanent travellers 2011-2015 now just travel for 4-6 mths
Birdsville caravan park for race week - 2011, all sorts of things HER, toilets/showers/cabins/ laundry/office/front gate, HIM rack stack and pack, rubbish, general cleaning.
70,000 cattle property Winton, 2011. HER cooked for family, HIM garden and excerised working dogs. mustering cattle
Bean Harvest Bowen 2011 - HIM Driving for Mulgowie
Prairie Hotel, Parachilna, 2012 - three months, HER Housekeeping, HIM Maintenance
Grain Harvest South Australia 2012 - Receivals at silos
Port Vincent Caravan Park -2013 - cleaning and office
William Bay Cottages - gardening, cleaning
Private residence, Perth- gardening
Grain Harvest Western Australia 2013 - HIM receivals, HER Weighbridge (live on site)
Gumflats Station 2014 - volunteer work, gardening, water runs
Brahman Stud Murgon 2015 - checking water and fences - cattle
Brahman Stud Delungra 2015 - checking water and fences - Cattle, sheet, goats - milking house cow (and making butter from cream and eating it!!!)
Aspens Springs farmstay, Bright 2015 - poultry (chooks, ducks, geese, turkeys) with children of guests, boarding kennels.
Some of these have been paid work, some work in return for site/power/water, some volunteer, some part of farm sits.
Hmmm, big gap since last one, better find some work soon.
Pay it forward - what goes around comes around
DUNMOWIN is no longer on the road and still DUNMOWIN!
Cooking at remote tourist accommodation business - 2002 Himself grounds upkeep, general work about the place
Teaching in remote aboriginal community - 2002. Both of us
Mango packing sheds - sorting and packing mangoes - 2002. Both of us
Reception/housekeeping at same tourist accommodation place 2003. Himself - groundswork, manning canoe hire, guide
Managing - upkeep/cooking/housekeeping - very remote tourist safari camp in NT Gulf country - 2005. Himself took fishing parties and did general guiding too, gounds upkeep and grew begetables.
Cafe cook near Litchfield NP - 2006. Himself - grounds work, washing up (lots)
Site clerk and Safety Officer - Pilbara construction camps - 2006-07.