From Mt Surprise to Normanton was sealed when we crossed 18 months ago but not very wide in many places, if you are towing a van probably not a good option to continue on, its probably wiser to go down to the Barkley highway and head across to three ways and up that way.
Definately longer but you will at least get there in one piece and there is plentyto see.
Hope you have a good trip
Life was meant to be enjoyed Australia was meant to be explored
Happily doing both to the Max.
Life is like a camera, focus on what's important & you will capture it every Time
he last time we were on the road to Normanton from Georgetown, there were a few patches of gravel but gave us no problems. Not certain about other sections of the Savannah Way - check with the Police & RACQ.
An alternative if you'd like to see other things off the Barkly Highway, would be to drive north of Barkly Homestead to Cape Crawford (where "The Lost City" is found), have a look at Borroloola, McArthur Mine, the Roper River (no swimming unless you like croc excitement) & then across to Daly River. The Carpentaria Highway is good, the NS road from Cape Crawford to Barkly, is narrow bitumen & you will see road trains. Refer to &
You can get fuel at BH, Cape Crawford, Borroloola (much cheaper there possibly due to the aboriginal community, etc) & Daly River. We did it towing our Jayco Eagle a couple of years ago but it shouldn't be a problem in a larger van (just be prepared to get off the road for trucks).
Happy planning & travelling
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
Not sealed beyond Normanton to the west. The Savannah Way from Normanton to Borroloola really requires good dirt road van. At this time, not even sure it is open - the ford of the Nicholson River at Doomadgee may still be too high. Eventually, as the dry season sets in, the road will be graded, which is especially needed for the river crossings, which get gullied and eroded each Wet.
You would be better advised to turn south at Normanton, to Cloncurry, then Mt Isa. At Barkly Roadhouse you can (a) continue west to Three Ways and north up the Stuart Highway to Daly Waters. (b) go north to Cape Crawford, then west to the Stuart - sealed, but single strip and I don't know its current condition. (a) is the surest route.