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Post Info TOPIC: Another Croc destroyed for getting to close to man....


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Another Croc destroyed for getting to close to man....

Question,   should this Croc have been shot for doing what it has done all it's life, ???



From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day

U.H.F  CH  18 /40  Say G'day.


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I wish they were pro active with things like the road toll instead of killing everything that bites.




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You have to admit though that the authorities do go to great lengths to avoid the final solution. Croc numbers are on the increase as are attacks and sighting so really there is no other option to kill them unless you'd like some sharing your coastal campsite.

Good Luck.



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Their should be an open season on crocs with no bag limit to reduce their numbers.



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Phillipn wrote:

Their should be an open season on crocs with no bag limit to reduce their numbers.

I doubt there will be an open season Phillip, but there are moves afoot to do some culling.


Nappies and Politicians should be changed often . For the same reason .


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The way they are nowadays.
An open season on those things they call Humans would do more good I reckon.

What makes US think we have priority over nature, when WE trespassing into their territory,
they were there probably a million yrs b4 we even arrived on this planet.

Human "superiority" over everything else makes the mind boggle.
Tending to forget WE were put on here as part of the food chain too.

WE are the sh-t on the planet.
look at our record over last coupla thousand yrs.
Destroy. Kill. Destroy. Oh and yes.. Kill too.

Can't even leave the ground we walk on,or the air we breathe alone.
have to poison that too.

What "rights" have we got really. to destroy/kill things.
just cause we go into their natural territory,
becoming part of the natural food chain in the process.

People with any brains accept them. Sharks. snakes. bears, big cats etc.
and "normally" act accordingly, with respect.

Unlike the small %age with itchy trigger fingers.

They should be the targets in my eyes.



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They usually try and keep crocs on Cable Beach out of the media because it frightens away the tourists.
10 years ago we met a policeman who had personally shot 4 crocs on Cable beach.



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In all honesty

If it comes down to a choice between a croc, or Mrs T little husband

I would prefer the croc to go

In my opinion
The croc will not be missed as they all look the same



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Two sides to every story, so the saying goes. Just been on the Crocodiles-R-Us forum. Most comments are along the lines that we (they) were here first and humans should stay out of their water. Also seems that all humans taste like chicken.

Never known of a croc attack where the human was not doing something stupid.




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I am with you Phillipn 100%. And it should include White Pointers to boot.


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Aussie1 wrote:

I am with you Phillipn 100%. And it should include White Pointers to boot.

Have I have upset a few do-gooders?

I bet if one of their family were taken by a croc, they  would have a  different story to tell. 



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If there breeding up in huge amounts and people can't go into the water and they can't be culled or for that matter let's say sharks as well, common sense has to come into it,I know we're controlled by the greenie minority,but hey surely we can swim without  being eaten alive, there's room for the crocks and us but if breeding goes uncontrolled thats absolute stupidity at the highest level don't you think...



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It has nothing to do with being a 'do gooder' but it it does have a hell of a lot to do with ignorance!




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Agreed Kebbin some can't help themselves.
and it ain't the "green ie" in us.
40 odd yrs ago.
I was one of them in tinnies up North 303 and spot. popping them off for dollars.

THEN you get something called a brain. Well. Most of us anyway.
and realise what you doing ain't right.

There are LOTS of waters where Croc's ain't. go there. and leave nature to itself. not just destroy everything cause YOU don't like the way things are.

I definitely ain't a greenie. I'd willingly feed ALL Pedophiles.
women/child abusers to croc's and sharks.

Ron D.

Talking uncontrolled breeding. YEA.

We humans can say a lot about that. Can't we.
At any level of common sense.
How many Multiple billion is it now???.

98% of shark and croc eating. is the stupid brain dead tourists. not the normal sensible ones.



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I'm inclined to agree with those who say, don't swim where there is a chance of being taken by a Croc,  It's only common sense after all.

How many millions of K.M.s are around the shore -line, and inland lakes of this big country, where there are little or no predators that makes it unsafe to swim. ? Plenty 

It's entirely up to any person to first make sure that it is safe first, Before they dip their Chicken flavored toes in the drink, if it is likely that one could be in danger, "Get the hell outa there" .

There seems to be many on the road who just can't read the danger signs, they are the ones who hang towels over Croc warning signs then go for a dip, Fools !! 



From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day

U.H.F  CH  18 /40  Say G'day.


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Oh, give me a break. As far as I am concerned the "do Gooder's and Greenies can take a running jump. We (humans) rule and so we should. So called "original Australian's" have been hunting and killing this food for thousands of years (or so they tell us). And hey Phillipn, yes, you have upset a few "do gooders", but then again, Who Cares :). Mate I am still with you 100 NO 110 %.


We acknowledge and pay our respects to the British and European Elders past and present, who introduced civil society and prosperity to Australia. 


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^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Above.

"I'm a MAN. Male. Alpha". Rool the world.
In your dreams.

Go for a swim with a shark or croc without your technology
and see just where you really ARE on the food chain.
A Looooong way down lad.

read above. there is a LOT of area on this island alone. where there's NO need for protection from anything.
Use YOUR???? (maybe) tiny little brain and do your thing there.

EVERYTHING is put on this planet for a reason, Allow nature to take it's course.
Don't kill everything just cause YOU don't like it or where it's at.

I killed a lot. "For pleasure and otherwise"
Then "I" actually grew a brain at around 36\7 yrs of age.
Only weapon I own nowadays.
Is a baseball bat and skinning knife.
For any human that is stupid enough to touch one of my kids.

They'd never get to court if I knew who they were.
Not in their own skin anyway.

We are NOT.... The be all, and end all of this planet.

Just a very tiny part of a much greater item.

we should really. be feeding these terrorists and child molesters etc.
TO the croc's, sharks, Snakes etc.

Do the world a bit of good.
Instead of wasting all the tax payers money on them.

ME... I'm just a l'il old grandad.
fed up with what humans are doing to their own environment
for basically. Greed. One day....


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I have a friend who was camped 20km from the nearest water with a group in Northern Australia. He felt something nudging his swag around his feet. He thought it was a pig! Luckily, he slept with a loaded handgun. It turned out to be a 3.5m crocodile of the salt water persuasion, towards the end of the dry moving across country.
It is a shame that there is a lot of ignorance about our Australian reptiles and the habits they have! It is also a shame that that ignorance is not countered by what I would consider to be the greatest asset of the human brain, curiosity to learn.
Can we please have a logical, reason based discussion?



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Yea Lance. Those days we (me)
always had my Pump Remington 870 with solids beside me too.
Don't like pea shooters.
That was primarily for humans though.
First one always a blank with sand/Rock salt loaded in front of wad.
Coupla solids, then S.G's after that though. (8 shot tube)

Curiosity to learn is a great assett.
Pity the dumb ones don't learn
that there are other ways to sort a "potential" problem
than to shoot\kill them all.

Try living together peacefully.
THEY (whatever) don't bother us. It's 99.9% the other way.

I've been up the Daintree at 2 in morn in 8ft Rubber ducky.
(Yacht on pick) to Mossman wharf (ha)

More than you can count. but, even the big ones just turn as you go past
keeping 2 eyes on you.
Never went past the watching stage over a lot of yrs.

They Didn't like tinny's though Shooters, fishers with guns used them.

Time to get nervous is when the eyes disappear. But outboard
just ticking over didn't seem to bother them at all.



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Lancelot Link wrote:

Can we please have a logical, reason based discussion?

 Not a hope when discussion descends into having a go at the mythical "do-gooders" and "Greenies".

Any serious cull will not get all the crocs from everywhere.   A croc cull will not do anything to get rid of the idiots who go swimming in croc waters.   Like a current idiot senator from Qld's ideas, a bit of critical thinking soon puts a cull in the loony tunes basket.   I grew up in a situation where we found salties in the back yard on a couple of occasions.   A couple of fools got taken in that time but anyone with a modicum of sense did not put themselves in a dangerous situation.

Humans are the dangerous invasive species in Australia.   If humans cannot practice self-control, then shooting a couple of crocs will do little.




Semi-permanent state of being Recreationally Outraged as a defence against boredom during lockdown.


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Soooo bloody true. Unfortunately.

-- Edited by macka17 on Thursday 30th of March 2017 01:12:15 PM



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From memory, so do not quote me on this

I read a few years ago that (on the West coast), the crocs were coming further south, as the water was getting warmer

I do know that for economic (tourist) reasons, the authorities do not like to publicise, bad stories about the ocean

Around 1990 I was on holiday passing through Denham (near Monkey Mia of Dolphin fame)

After paying my site fees, I was discreetly told not to swim in the ocean, as there was a big influx of sea snakes, in the area.
I saw that some people, fishing on the small town Jetty, had caught some sea snakes

As a logical, and reason based discussion
I can only repeat (my opinion), what I have already said, using different words

I like to free/budget camp near the ocean, I also like to travel on the bitumen roads
There are not that many camps available to me

If there is an encounter, (the older I get, then the slower I am going to be able to run), between me and a croc
I sincerely hope that the croc will come off second best, if that means shooting the croc, then so be it



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As you say.
If there is an "encounter" while you not doing stupid things.
So be it. IF you carrying a gun.
Nothing\nobody is infallible

The triangle t'ween the eyes. OR in one ot the eyes (straight on)
is the target.
We used .filed down .303 to sort them but they 7 ft long max. for skins.
Plus a quick grapnel,
cause the rocks they carry in belly to neutralize buoyancy
take them straight down.


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I really do find it hard to keep a straight face reading some of these posts. The double edged sword nature of some of them are perplexing, to say the least! So can we all please stop driving our RVs into rural Australia in case we hit and kill an endangered bird? That is the logic behind some of these discussions, and yet, not one of us will do it! I would rather see a problematic Crocodile culled, used for meat for human consumption with the skin tanned and turned into leather rather than killed without reason!
I wonder if there would be the same outrage if someone proposed to get rid of the Rainbow Lorikeets in Adelaide? They are a pest and were never there 20 years ago!



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No problem here, just add Rainbow Lorikeets to the Great White Sharks and Croc's to the kill list.


We acknowledge and pay our respects to the British and European Elders past and present, who introduced civil society and prosperity to Australia. 


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With Humans at the top. hey.

A few billion wouldn't go too far astray.

Lots of tucker for the sharks and crocs.   Chuckle.



Maybe I ain't jokin' so much.

They wouldn't be too much of a loss to the planet.

(without the chuckle)

-- Edited by macka17 on Friday 31st of March 2017 05:37:55 PM



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Quite intriguing to read this little debate. I make no apologies for being known as a "greenie" despite it generally used as a pejorative. I am pretty sure I have quite a soft spot for the comments from macka17.
I can't remove all my impact on the ecosystem but I do try to mitigate the effects where I can to a limited degree in common, I suspect, with the majority of GNs.


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I can't be bothered anymore, the green movement is so beyond anything I can respond to. Unbelievable, I give up conservation, you guys win, keep up your logical and precise discussions, I will never say a bad word against you again! Not that I often have, but one thing always astounds, you never really want lucid discussion and always claim to be the ones attacked!



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I think a debate into what does or doesn't motivate "green vs brown" stances will prove endless at this juncture, but will make one observation in that some of the "greenest" people I know would never see themselves that way and I would court a black eye to point it out. Always happy to discuss logic, philosophy, science and religion but these are very lengthy fields to explore here (I apologise for this somewhat circular little note).



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How about a cull down Canberra would be a good start ? I think at times we who live away from these places have to leave it up to the local authorities. I know about farming . The BS I hear about city people telling how to run farming is unbelievable! Same situation here !

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