Few yrs ago.
we had some "blind spots" for Telstra,
I know a coupla locaals got issued with Sat phones
when it was proven they really were "housed". in blind spots.
Houses round them fine. But no recept, where their homes were.
But the prices nowadays. Leasing plus recond/second hand.
plus combination Sat/local in same handset.
Thanks folks,
It's always an issue with communication when travelling the Nullarbor and touch wood...so far not needed. No doubt the old UHF would alert the truckies, who are always helpful but they are in the same black spots as us.
Travelling in more remote desert and off road situations is entirely up to the individual to equip themselves with eperb and sat phone but travelling on a national highway people deserve better!!!
I guess Telstra need to invest a little more money on towers...... poor didems, I know they have no money.... lol !!!
The future may possibly see some big changes with Vast providing a phone system. Fingers crossed.