If you have a three way gas type fridge, and if you wish to free camp, then you will need ramps
My bookwork says something like keep the fridge level to within five degrees
Also I seem to have a better sleep when the RV is level
Not all free and/or low budget camps are always level
I have often wondered why travellers with tandem axles, do not shorten a ramp with an old wood saw, and then saw a chamfer on the low end, to fit between the wheels
Don't leave town without them. We bought ours from Supacheap Auto, amazingly they're Australian made. They must be one of the few things that are still made in this country.
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on feathersandphotos.com.au Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
we made some out of a length of treated pine I had left over from a reno - weigh no more than the plastic variety which we had previously that eventually cracked after several years of regular use
Jenny and Barry
2009 Roma Elegance / 2013 Colorado. Permanent travellers 2011-2015 now just travel for 4-6 mths
the ones I purchased were a two piece unit
the rear piece which is black pulls away from main body to fit between the duals
mine came from supercheap/bcf
Hello kiwimagic, our ramps are red n black. They clip together and the back bit is for extra length. We have tandem axels . Put the red one under first n then clip in the back one at the back Of it. Works great.
we made some out of a length of treated pine I had left over from a reno - weigh no more than the plastic variety which we had previously that eventually cracked after several years of regular use
Timber is best, less replacement cost after you have driven off without one. They are also easier to level the van side to side wit a long piece with blocks supporting the high end. You reverse the van or pull it up the inclined plane until just over the level, put a block below the wheel and let the van settle back onto the block. You get a finer adjustment with the inclined plane and the block solves the chocking of one side.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
I have retired my wooden blocks for a couple of those readily available yellow plastic ramps & chocks. They fit between the tandem wheels. But then I use CPs and only have to do minor adjustments on occasion.
I carry a trolley jack to suit weights of van and tug.
Overnighting. Uneven. Just roll under low side t'ween axles. coupla pumps. take handle inside.
Next morn' let down and drive off.
More permanent stops. Don't park on uneven ground. Simple.
Though I also carry a pr of screw jack axle stands in case I have to work on either.
Jack to height. put in Stands. wind to height, remove jack.
The stands fit under van side when sitting on road.
so you have full height of windup shaft to play with.
AND. A damn sight safer than any bits of wood.
Gave away bits of timber yrs ago.
You don't HAVE to park anywhere. Can always move on.