We have qualified for the OAP, due to a Centerlink screw up my wife's address was not correct. Fixed that up. Are we both supposed to get the 'card', mine turned up over a week ago, her's hasn't?
Maybe time to get in touch with Centrelink about your wife's age pension card. It might have gone to the wrong address. If so they will issue her with a new one.
On our way to Centerlink in the morning. Almost a month of being stuffed around. We both applied at the same time. My wife's stuff got sent to an address we were at when she did her degree in '89. It appears that the work experience person just saw her name and number and didn't check any else.
In my experience you would be optimistic to expect the address to be fixed in one attempt. Whatever you do don't fill another application form to get it sorted as the pension payments will not be backdated but start from date of new application form. Been there done that and lost 18 months of payments. If you are getting payments already then you will have to refund those payments prior to last application.
If not quickly sorted (like one more attempt) out go to complaints.
Had my visit this morning, they told me it'll take 10 working days. I saw a fellow there on one of the help phones complaining to another that the same 'hold' tune had not been changed in 10 years. My reading of this is he's been on the dole for 10 years. Get a job you bludger. Am I too harsh?
Had my visit this morning, they told me it'll take 10 working days. I saw a fellow there on one of the help phones complaining to another that the same 'hold' tune had not been changed in 10 years. My reading of this is he's been on the dole for 10 years. Get a job you bludger. Am I too harsh?
I rgren, the dole should be something like 3 months on then 1 month off, then 3 months on and 2 months off. At least give it a try and make a judgement then.
My wifes name and number are on my pension card and vice verca. She can use mine and I can use hers, so take advantage until sorted.
Not necessarily. I was looking at a web site that said that you had to present your own card when applying for some service. I think it was a state government site but forget which one it was.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
Had my visit this morning, they told me it'll take 10 working days. I saw a fellow there on one of the help phones complaining to another that the same 'hold' tune had not been changed in 10 years. My reading of this is he's been on the dole for 10 years. Get a job you bludger. Am I too harsh?
He might be 75 and on age pension for the last 10 years. I don't judge others when I don't know their circumstances.
""that the same 'hold' tune had not been changed in 10 years. My reading of this is he's been on the dole for 10 years. Get a job you bludger. Am I too harsh?"""
NOPE. The dole should be stopped after 6 months and they should be put onto coupons. covering rent. food. clothing and transport.
Yoa want cash. get off your arse and work for it. lazy pricks.
Obviously NOT including genuine incapacitated in that.
But definitely the females that spread their legs and breed for a living and WE keep the brats.
I won't start on the "holiday camps" they call prison.
Totally ludicrous.
-- Edited by macka17 on Sunday 12th of March 2017 03:41:54 PM
Oh dear, this is another thread I dare not enter into, I am going to find that rock I often hide under and stay there until the dust blows over!
No, wait, I do have comment before I go and hide.
Consider the Socio Economic climate of younger people who may or may not have a trade working in our non existent motor industry. Look at the young people working in the fast food industry who get turfed when they reach a certain age. Look at what options we have when we support companies who move call centres off shore to areas where we have to ask them three times to understand them. Look at what industry we have in Australia that supports Australia. Look at the fact that hard working people are about to loose Penalty Rates without any form of compensation!
This thread was about the old age pension and it has turned into a beat up of personal opinions about useless Centrelink cheats!
Can we please get back to having a realistic discussion which may have answers to the original question?
Next, our pensions will be eroded, particularly the self funded.
My rock calls, Crawling under it and please start showing your age, mature and well adjusted, if that is possible.
Had my visit this morning, they told me it'll take 10 working days. I saw a fellow there on one of the help phones complaining to another that the same 'hold' tune had not been changed in 10 years. My reading of this is he's been on the dole for 10 years. Get a job you bludger. Am I too harsh?
At my last call to Centrelink, I went to a local office and used their phone. Why should I pay my cellphone rates to listen to some crumby violins out of tune. The young lady I spoke with was most helpful and at the conclusion of our conversation, I commented that some more enjoyable music might be appropriate and suggested AC/DC. This produced some friendly comments and laughter. I think some of the staff try hard, but a lot of them unfortunately tend to look down at us oldies !!!
Retired Airline Pilot and Electrician..
I'm not old, I've just been young a long time....Ken
Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak.