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Post Info TOPIC: Large crocodile pulled from Litchfield National Park


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Large crocodile pulled from Litchfield National Park

fresh warning over swimming......

Northern Territory Park Rangers are warning people to stay out of Top End rivers and creeks, after a large salt-water crocodile was pulled from a waterway in the Litchfield National Park.

A 3.3 metre sal****er crocodile is caught in the Lower Cascade waterway in Litchfield National Park

The 3.3-metre crocodile was caught in the Lower Cascade waterway in Litchfield today.

The male was one of 60 salt-water crocodiles to be caught by the Parks and Wildlife Commission so far this year, compared to 42 at the corresponding time last year.

"Salt-water Crocodiles are on the move and can be in areas they wouldn't normally be, like the swimming holes in Litchfield."


-- Edited by kiwijims on Thursday 2nd of March 2017 07:49:14 PM


From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day

U.H.F  CH  18 /40  Say G'day.


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Those rangers do a good job! 


Quo vadis

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They can only catch so many, consideration given to the growing population of crocs, this could be a really great opportunity to employ more rangers. Notice I gave the soft option that will never happen. So then, what are the other options? I was going to write an explanation to my concluding statement in the way of logical arguments as to how I go got to that point, but having seen previous attempts blown out of the water without logic, here is my concluding statement.
After having seen the number of large crocs in areas I have visited before some years ago, it is time to selectively start culling crocodiles and not relocating them! Do it openly and overtly.



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It is THEIR Environmennt.

THEY were put there long before humans even existed.

We are the vermin on this planet. and multiplying like there's no tomorrow.
They should be culling humans.

NOT all the other species we have already made non existent.   


I'd have absolutely NO problem with that personally,

after watching them and their destruction of everything for the last 75 yrs.

We have a lot to be ashamed for on this planet. Hopefully. One day.
We'll be called to task for it.

Wipe the foooing lot of us out and start again with something more useful.

All humans can say to anything that annoys or gets in their way.
Is Kill.Kill. Kill..
Look at the poor shaarks. Big cats. Bears. etc. etc.

They all live their lives. Naturally in THEIR environments.

WE are part of the food chains.
Accept it. and act accordingly.

We step in there. and just kill for the sake of it.
Cause we can.

I'm sorry. But I think Humans as a race. are the **** on this planet.
Sooner they get wiped and the planet starts again in a billion yrs or so.
The better.

We've made a VERY poor showing of it so far.


I'm not a radical of any sort.

Just a Grandad with 9 granddaughters.

of whom NONE  are going to bring offspring into this word, The way it is.

most are over 20 yrs now as well.

-- Edited by macka17 on Friday 3rd of March 2017 01:08:56 PM



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Looks like as well as Kakadu don't we now have Lichfield don't. What are the Darwin residents going to do?


Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top
Retired radio and electronics technician.
NSW Central Coast.



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Just respect them in their environment.
act accordingly and sensibly. And we CAN live together.

and that is NOT a big croc. Just a youth as far as size goes.

We've been out round the Keppels, fishing in my 18fter.
and had a croc. Near As long, or longer than the boat swim by.

They a fairly regular occurrence out there over the yrs.

And some in the Daintree.
You'd have to see them to believe it. They ARE big.
12\14 yrs ago anyway.


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Crikey Macka , have a Bex and a lie down mate or you will burst a pooper valve .


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PeterD wrote:

Looks like as well as Kakadu don't we now have Lichfield don't. What are the Darwin residents going to do?

 Stay home!!


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Swoffer wrote:

Crikey Macka , have a Bex and a lie down mate or you will burst a pooper valve .

 Macka, Keep it up and keep voicing your own opinions - FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS ALLOWED!!!



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I am with macka on this one, humans the worst of the animal species



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Keep it up macca



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Still a couple of places where I'd feel safe to swim at Litchfield, once the Wet season is over. Buley Rockholes would be one place.
Crocs at Litchfield are not new. We worked there a decade ago and saw a smallish croc taken out of Wangi plunge pool - in July! No reason why there could not still have been a bigger one hanging about too.
I remember a time, when they used to tell tourists it was safe to swim at Katherine Gorge. But you didn't see locals doing it.




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Yes I think the Person who said that the Croc was living where they are, long before man came along., is right,

We are the invaders in their territory, and should remember that,

I can't understand why people ignore the Signs ( of which there are thousands ) warning not to swim in certain areas, and when they get taken, there is a scream "KILL THE CROC"  I say ....serve them right !!!.




From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day

U.H.F  CH  18 /40  Say G'day.


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We ALL have differing opinions.

I made a living shooting animals to keep my family. SO I'm not bloodless.
Far from it.

But as you look around, while getting older. The opinions change.
Everything was put here for a reason.

One day. Maybe. Human greed will be culled.

Then, and only then.
Will anything (maybe) be done.

Nobody can "realistically" do anything about the world as it is today.
Too many morals lacking, and greedy people on it.

Maybe. Just Maybe. something will happed to give this beautiful place we call a home.
a good shakeup. Cleanout.

and allow it to start again.

Looking back over the planets history.
This layer on it's outer coat is only one of a few.
She's probably due for a shake and sort out sooner than later.

I'll be sorry to see the end of all the beautiful animal breeds
There are here this time around.

BUT I certainly won't be sorry to see the end of what we have become.

Maybe a good Human disease that wipes us all out. Yep?.
100% preferably.

NO matter how good. some of the individuals may be.
I really LOVE a few of them.

As a race, we are pure Greedy, destructive, over breeding vermin.

My thoughts anyway.

Humans really are YUKKKKKK.
Not worth the paper they written on.
As a whole.

that Rabbits performance tonight was a sorry mess.

Let's hope the Bronc's\Cowboys are a better show next Fri, hey.
And hopefully, the Bronc's play better than that last game.
A lot of it really was woeful.
Running backwards faster than forwards at times.

Ne'er mind.
Gives us something to whinge about. No.

I'm waiting to see what we can put together for this yrs Interstate wrestle.

I reckon the Blues have a chance this time around.
Till our younger replacements get a bit drier behind the ears,


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Lancelot Link wrote:

Notice I gave the soft option that will never happen. So then, what are the other options? I was going to write an explanation to my concluding statement in the way of logical arguments as to how I go got to that point, but having seen previous attempts blown out of the water without logic, here is my concluding statement.

 I am glad I included this statement in my post, I notice it was a heeded and a logical debater would have replied with something like I do not believe in your conclusion, could you please elucidate further on your thought processes, but, alas, typically I was taken out without even an ounce of consideration of my thought process or ideology.

It is a shame, because this topic could lead to some fantastic debate, not only including my past behaviours, others by their posts and what exists as a state of normality in this grand country of Australia.  I actually agree with some of the statements  about the human race, but did any say they are actively trying to do anything to help?

I am actively trying to help eradicate the Indian, oops, not allowed to say that anymore according to the International Naming Committee, it can be construed as being racist.  I am trying to help eradicate the Common Myna by trapping and killing.  You may think this a small thing, but at least the Squirrel Gliders, Rosellas and other hollow nesting beasts like the Tuan are showing a come back since trapping has begun.  A couple  of raptors, such as the Collared Sparrowhawk and Brown Goshawk have developed a taste for take away of an Asian nature, which is very limited due to my dislike of feeding wild animals, idiots and crocodiles is one exception!

So, now I would also like to add that none who disagreed with me offered to voluntarily opt out of the human race, which, unfortunately would have been the logical conclusion of your argument based on over population statements!  Think about it and respond without emotion please, as I have tried to do here!


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For those that are religious it's about time which ever great being there is to come and clean us up
we have made enough mess on this great planet how much more does it after endure ?????




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I wouldn't bother worrying about it if I was you lot, humans are so adept at moving forward at such a great rate that it is as inevitable as night following day, that in the not to far distant future, we will self destruct ourselves with the same weapons of 'defence' that was designed to protect us, didn't the Christian GOD tell us prophetically that the world would destruct the 2nd time around by FIRE!!!...our future has already been set in stone, aren't our masterminds already planning on inhabiting Mars and beyond, that's either prophetic or designed.

Anyway, who is to say that we are the 1st humans to walk the planet, maybe this is the 2nd or 3rd attempt with life on Earth?!


in anycase, life is too short to worry about it, Life on earth is definitely terminal as all natural resources are exhausted and need billions of years to replenish, at the average age of members of this forum, I think that we will see out are natural lifetime, not so for grandchildren and perhaps even our children, one thing is for sure, there is NOTHING that you or I can do about it.

In the meantime...

RELAX, SMILE, BE HAPPY & ENJOY LIFE, it is a good as you either make it or want it to be!

-- Edited by Wizardofoz on Sunday 5th of March 2017 11:50:30 AM



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Oh yes, CROCODILES, whilst I do like to swim in such places as Litchfield National Park, etc.,  I also respect the right of the crocodiles, to me it's their domain and I must either refrain or take my chances.

 Mind you, I do believe that even though we have caused their migration to previous foreign southern areas such as Bundaberg or so, the crocs found in these areas outside of their natural habitat should be relocated back to areas from whence they came or farms.

-- Edited by Wizardofoz on Sunday 5th of March 2017 11:32:36 AM



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I suggest asking your kids and grandchildren if they want a pandemic or something else to clear the Earth of Human life. I doubt they would.

They may have a different and slightly less jaundiced view of life on this place. They may also want some opportunities like those who have done whatever they have done, and now proclaim it is time to end it all. Remember, we have been a major part of the problem, as we have overseen many of the major changes during our lifetimes.

Perhaps we should leave the young ones, and consider the solution offered by the film "Soylent Green", for those that can remember it. For those that don't it was selective culling of those over 60 (I think), recycling them into food for the masses!

Coming back to the OP and the point of this thread. Be careful if you swim in NT rivers, dams and lakes, and be thankful for the efforts of the rangers to make them safer!


Regards Ian


Chaos, mayhem, confusion. Good my job here is done

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macca certainly nipped it all in the bud couldn't  have expressed my feelings any better well done sir .

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