The flames, which are on the Lewis Pass side of the Hanmer Springs turn-off, are burning within a 30-kilometre radius. No homes are thought to be in danger.
Fire Service southern shift manager Andrew Norris said eight engines with at least 35 firefighters were at the scene.
"We've got no indication of size at the moment, but it's burning pine plantation and scrub", he said.
Flames can be seen along the side of State Highway 7. The road has since been closed to motorists.
Truck diver Brian Ohara said hundreds of motorists had been turned around at the road closure.
"I'm sitting here in Culverden and you can see the smoke blowing over the hills. You can see it for miles; it's looking pretty big."
Warm conditions were not helping firefighting efforts and the area has been plagued by drought.
"There's a bit of a breeze and [the fire] is getting fanned along by the wind," McRae said.
Lochiel Station owner Hamish McRae said the fire had jumped the road and onto his property.
The fire very close to Amrita Bell's car. "We just made it through," she said.
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
If the greenies and do gooders grew a little brain and shut up.
There could be more "burn offs" with the grasses much shorter. Controlled with the fire trucks.
And a lot of these blazes wouldn't happen.
Let every owner do his own. with aid from EFS or equiv. When HIS needed it.
Go up the Territory and watch the Blacks doing their burn offs.
smoky. but never have problems, usually.
We used to watch them every yr. as they have done for thousands of yrs.
Keeps grass down. gives fresh food for lots (incl themselves)
With lots of nitrogen and carbon back into ground.
Let's hope it all sorted.
With any firebugs dropped in centre front of, with no shoes.