When the power of Love becomes greater than the love of power the World will see peace ! 24ft Trailblazer 5th wheeler n 05 Patrol ute and Black Series Dominator camper trailer ( for the rough stuff)
About 28 degrees in Bayside Melbourne. Had the air-conditioning on at home for the past 3 days. Cool as a cucumber! Thinking of packing the van for a March trip after the heat subsides. Looking forward to it.
-- Edited by Desert Dweller on Friday 10th of February 2017 07:50:41 PM
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on feathersandphotos.com.au Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
Hi Doug I would hazard to say that it is warm enough for a swim today too , a good day to be beside the lake today .
When the power of Love becomes greater than the love of power the World will see peace ! 24ft Trailblazer 5th wheeler n 05 Patrol ute and Black Series Dominator camper trailer ( for the rough stuff)
Yes Woody, best place is in the water. I was up at first light under van doing some plumbing adjustments umtil supplier of some goodies needed gave me a wrong fitting. A quick ring around and a dash to Shepparton and all sorted and outcome achieved. In the water next and afternoon in van with aircon and gene working for a change instead of sleeping in Collie.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
I can't believe that they went ahead with a meaningless game like the Rugby League All Stars in Newcastle tonight as it hit 40deg. here today and is still over 30deg. at 9pm. Has commercial TV got so much clout that the players welfare has become only a secondary concern ? You could argue that the North Queensland players are used to playing in these type of conditions but really this is only a preseason game involving people who are not yet match fit and don't come from that area.
It is going to get into to the high 40s in Cessnock tomorrow where there is a Day On The Green happening at the Bimbadgen Estate with bands such as Simple Minds, B52s, Machinations, The Models etc. I hope they have plenty of medical people on standby to treat those who maybe suffering from the heat. Again on Sunday James Taylor is playing at Hope Estate which will be another test of peoples endurance. At least the A league had enough sense to move the Jets and Melbourne Victory game from Sunday night to Monday night after the cool change has supposedly gone through.
I can't believe that they went ahead with a meaningless game like the Rugby League All Stars in Newcastle tonight as it hit 40deg. here today and is still over 30deg. at 9pm. Has commercial TV got so much clout that the players welfare has become only a secondary concern ? You could argue that the North Queensland players are used to playing in these type of conditions but really this is only a preseason game involving people who are not yet match fit and don't come from that area.
It is going to get into to the high 40s in Cessnock tomorrow where there is a Day On The Green happening at the Bimbadgen Estate with bands such as Simple Minds, B52s, Machinations, The Models etc. I hope they have plenty of medical people on standby to treat those who maybe suffering from the heat. Again on Sunday James Taylor is playing at Hope Estate which will be another test of peoples endurance. At least the A league had enough sense to move the Jets and Melbourne Victory game from Sunday night to Monday night after the cool change has supposedly gone through.
I'm not sure that the Indigenous team supporters would agree that it was a meaningless game.
Though even a rusted on RL supporter like me, only watched parts of it. I was tempted to cheer for Thurston & Englis' team but couldn't quite bring myself to do it.
BTW they had 8 reserves on each team with unlimited interchanges. I expect that that would help with heat fatigue.
I liked the IDEA of the white girl singing the Anthem in an Aboriginal language & the Aboriginal girl singing in English even if their voices weren't quite up to the task ... needed a bit more oomph IMHO. Though Chock didn't make any comment about it when interviewed.
TV money is critical to the 'success' of any sport these days. It's just a pity that hockey can't attract more financial support. I far prefer it to all of the other team sports.
Back on topic .. Not too bad here in Brissy today but the media is rabbiting on about a real hot one tomorrow, Saturday (20 - 35 & Sun 22 - 38). I'll visit my Son's place on Sun. They have AC on 24/7 fed by their 5KVA solar.
-- Edited by Cupie on Saturday 11th of February 2017 12:09:15 AM
Under the pergola at just before 3:30, for those that like the more precise measurement, 15:30, the temperature was 46C. The air conditioner was running flat out. I had a cool shower because I could smell myself and took myself down to the local for a couple of drinks and a few games of pool. The car told me it was 42C outside. The rain over the last few days pushed the humidity up to nearly 70%. At least I had a laugh and some fun at the local. Don't fully understand these world rules for the game of pool, but I forgot my woes and had fun.
Sorry Cupie, a bad choice of words I wasn't trying to play down the significance of the game especially for our indigenous people, by meaningless I meant in terms of competition points. The A league also relies heavily on television sponsorship, they are in the middle of their season and have an Asian Champions tournament to fit in but still managed to find a way to get around it. I agree with you that they probably had lots of extra things in place to manage the risk but why expose the players to it in the first place - just my opinion.
Another interesting thing is that the junior cricket in Newcastle today is starting earlier in the morning and the number of overs reduced in order to limit the impact of the predicted high temperatures on the kids - the senior competitions on the other hand are being played as normal right in the worst part of the day. Sorry to hijack the thread but it's interesting to see how different sports administrators are coping with these extreme conditions.
-- Edited by The Belmont Bear on Saturday 11th of February 2017 07:06:12 AM
ps. Poor buggers are playing a Union competition at Lang Park Bris this weekend too.
edit ... Almost forgot ... Woke up to a great day with a gentle cooling breeze coming in the bedroom window to assist the slowly turning ceiling fan. Glorious.
After dragging myself out of bed for breakfast on the back deck at around 9am it was great out there too thanks to the breeze.
Had to get back inside though after 1/2 hour or so as the breeze stopped & the terrible humidity kicked in. Plans to do a bit on the Van out the window till it cools down.
Telstra Media page weather says that it is 33 degrees "feels like 37" here at the moment.
-- Edited by Cupie on Saturday 11th of February 2017 12:19:04 PM
Here in Perth we have a mild day, presently 20.6 deg C at 9.00 am
expecting a top of 26 deg today
Shes blowing like a Bxxtxxd though, wind gusts at the Airport to 35 kph,
The sun is trying to come out, but there are still plenty of heavy black clouds hanging around the hills.
Did I mention the water, Dirty great lakes lying all over the place, and most streams are now raging torrents.
half the roads in the State re presently closed because of flooding.
What a fickled Summer it's been here in the West. !!!
Have to give our relo a ring. She lives alone on one of the older river canal blocks on the Murray near Mandura. A beautiful spot with sand crabs & reasonable fishing off her backyard Jarra jetty.
My phone says it's 38deg. here in east Lake Macquarie at 12pm and it's predicting to get up to 43deg. by 3pm (even hotter up the valley). No cooling breeze but strong winds, record temps and low humidity over the next couple of days has prompted a first time ever fire danger rating of catastrophic in the Hunter. Our fire fighters both permanent and volunteer are on a knifes edge at the moment. Apparently the NSW fire service have lots of extra resources from other areas of the state and 2 aerial tankers on loan from Victoria on standby - all we need now is some idiot to intentionally light a fire somewhere.
They can have their rugby competition Cupie, by your post I didn't really get the feeling that you were going to be there on the hill watching it, for what it's worth they still managed to get over 20,000 show up in that heat for the All Stars match - hardy bunch round here.
Yesterday in Riverina around Wagga was 44.7 and at the Wagga beach on the Bidgee believe recorded temp was 51. Too hot to leave the air con to check things out.
Age does not weary us, makes us go travelling more
Bloody hot!! Yesterday it was 45c Today it's a balmy 40c atm. The best place to be is near the water! unfortunately I wasn't. Supposed to be cooling down a bit tomorrow. Not complaining though! Summer will be over soon. :(
Bloody hot!! Yesterday it was 45c Today it's a balmy 40c atm. The best place to be is near the water! unfortunately I wasn't. Supposed to be cooling down a bit tomorrow. Not complaining though! Summer will be over soon. :(
I think Summer is already over for us here in the West, HunnyBunny,
Current Temp in Perth is 23.3 Deg C time 4.15pm
At least it's stopped raining. but for how long. ??????????????
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
I'm not struggling or suffering but what is one supposed to do in a situation like this.
I understand drink plenty of water, keep in the shade etc etc.
I decided to make my way to Carcoar Dam as I wasn't too far away.
Knew there were trees and water plus cold showers.
Sounds good but can't stand under a cold shower all day or in the dam with Daisy enjoying a swim.
Have parked under trees but the sun moves around. It's packed here and not as much under tree parking as there is out in the bare paddock.
Fridges gives up mid arvo and refuses to go until early next morning.
Haven't got a lot of choice. Stuck here for the next few days till it passes.
Anyone else here at the moment?
Hooley Dooley it's been hot. For the last two weeks on and off where I've been. I was only a few hundred Klm from Tarcoola when it was 48.2 the other day. I was lucky enough to have power, but there was no shade and it was out on a concrete pad thing. Phew......
Sometimes the act of showering heats you up too happy wanderer!!
I was freezing a wet hand towel and draping it around my neck at times.
Looking forward to a bit cooler today so I can get back in the bush.
THANK GOD FOR THE CHANGE, the change came through last night. It's now 18 Degrees in Mildura and one feels like they can now go outside and do a few things. Don'c care what the weather man says the temp go out to, hear we saw 48 on Thursday and Friday afternoon in the shade, so hot, so hot.