Saw something in the night sky slowly traveling from overhead to the north over Adelaide tonight around 9.30 pm. Satellite or something. Anyone know what it may have been?
Cheers, John.
"My mind is made up. Please don't confuse me with facts."
The International Space Station orbits the earth and can be seen from anywhere if you know when and where to look. On a NASA website you can put in your location and email and when the the ISS is due to pass overhead they send an email beforehand of the time and where too look. I have seen it a number go times now. It's a lot brighter than the average star.
Hi : what you saw could not be the ISS = International Space Station as there are no sightings from Adelaide at all between Feb 7th To Feb 21st and all are between the hours of 3.14am and 5.28am, so a pm sighting was not possible, however what you can see is a flash during daylight hours if the sun reflects on the solar panels of ISS. I have been a regular visitor to Nasa since 2000, and follow launches and all info relating to Nasa, and of course the European Space Agency. You can go to the Nasa website and look at where it says Spot The Station, type in your location and all the visible sightings will be there for you to see. Astroviewer will let you see where the ISS is at the + = crosshair, however it will not tell you in words where the exact location is like it use to 2 months ago. Take a look it is most informative. I would say you saw a satellite, there are so many up there now. Regards Kisha.