ok so we have just had the Ol laptop reformatted for sue so my question is what email program do people use and why do you think it's better or easier to use if you have used another, oh its windows 7 on it too, I'm an apple person myself but aperantly its my job to get it working lol
When the power of Love becomes greater than the love of power the World will see peace ! 24ft Trailblazer 5th wheeler n 05 Patrol ute and Black Series Dominator camper trailer ( for the rough stuff)
Mmmm, a keyboard attached to an apple hey! Is it a red apple or a green one woody, mate??
I use gmail and have done for many many moons without any problems at all. I also use the google calander that I have all payments, birthdays public and school holidays that might be a problem with travel plans, I also use it like a diary for appointments etc, it also has been problem free.
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Just changed from hotmail to gmail. Didn't have the control with Hotmail editing out junk. Seems to be a common complaint with hotmail. Used to use google calendar & address book as well but now that I have all apple devices (PC, iPhone, iPad) use apple for calendar & address via iCloud.
I have both windoze 7 and XP computers. I use gmail for most 'general' open use but also use Mozilla Thunderbird for more business and family links - more because I can then keep the emails on MY machines not in the cloud with Gmail.
......so my question is what email program do people use and why do you think it's better or easier to use if you have used another, oh its windows 7on it too, .......
Well those folks saying who their service provider is such as Google Gmail or Microsoft Hotmail didn't read your post did they.
As for Outlook Express that is only on Windows XP.
For Windows 7 (2009) there was a free app included with the operating system called Windows Live Mail which replaced the old Vista (2006) version of it called Windows Mail, which replaced the old XP (2001) version of it called Outlook Express. None of those ancient programs are now supported by Microsoft as the new One Drive app (online storage) requires use of some of the communications protocols that those old programs used and it causes those old apps to have issues.
This leaves you with either using Microsoft Outlook, which is the best choice for those who already have Microsoft Office (home & business edition or higher), or downloading an alternative free open source app.
Personally, I believe the best choice with free apps, currently, is Mozilla Thunderbird.
Brought to you by the same folks who coded Mozilla Firefox, these apps are modern phoenixes of the old early 90s editions of browser and email programs that were once sold under the Netscape Navigator brand. Netscape Communications Corp effectively went bust primarily (but not solely) because Microsoft included Internet Explorer as part of Windows. In the USA this is called anti-trust behaviour, in Australia we call this dumping. The act of sending your competitor broke by supplying your product at or below cost. The final straw for Netscape was when after 3 years of failing to innovate the product to compete with Microsoft and with financial woes, they released the Mozilla code base under an open source licence hoping the open source community would assist them in winning back market share from Internet Explorer. Too little too late and they were bought by AOL. The base code (development suite) used by Netscape was known as Mozilla. Later the open source community utilized the Gecko layout engine that Netscape had developed (but failed to implement) to develop a completely new Graphical User Interface of a revamped browser known today as "Mozilla Firefox". The name is in reference to the original Mozilla codebase and the Firefox name and logo represents a Phoenix rising from the ashes.
The same Gecko layout engine is used as the basis of a modern email app known as "Mozilla Thunderbird", again representing the association with the phoenix that is Firefox.
Thank you everybody for your input I probably should have mentioned that my email is with Optus so gmail etc is no good to me, other than that it looks like thunderbird is the go if I anderstand it right .
Thanks Hylife for that in depth explanation even if some of those perfectly good words were wasted on me, lol.
Thanks again
When the power of Love becomes greater than the love of power the World will see peace ! 24ft Trailblazer 5th wheeler n 05 Patrol ute and Black Series Dominator camper trailer ( for the rough stuff)
Your internet/phone provider (optus, telstra) should be independent to your email client.
I have moved between internet providers (iinet, optus, telstra etc.) but have always used hotmail (main but now no longer using) and gmail (secondary but now main). That way you choose your email client independent of your internet/phone supplier.
Then there is your operating system (windows, android or apple) and internet browser (safari, windows, chrome).
Ideally all 4 should be independent of each other (internet/phone, mail, operating system, internet browser).
As LLD correctly stated - you can choose anyone you like, and I like Gmail, it's free and it incorporates a of other free features such as a word processing package, google maps (very handy for travelers), etc. etc. Just search for Google Mail' and download it - easy as. The little matrix top right is where you find all the extras.
As LLD correctly stated - you can choose anyone you like, and I like Gmail, it's free and it incorporates a of other free features such as a word processing package, google maps (very handy for travelers), etc. etc. Just search for Google Mail' and download it - easy as. The little matrix top right is where you find all the extras.
Gmail is not a program, it's a mail provider. The other "free features" you quote are not part of Gmail. Gmail and the free features are all just part or your Google account. I am not picking on just you but there seem to be many who get their terminology mixed up, please use the correct terminology when answering questions. If you don't your answers are of little use and lead to arguments.
What you use in the way of programmes depends upon your mail provider. If you use an ISP provided address (eg xxx@bigpond.com) then Thunderbird is the best programme. If you use a web based account (er xxx@google.com) then read the web mail in the Firefox browser.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
What I did was interpret Woody & Sue's question - most people, except nitpickers, would concentrate on providing a simple answer - you might be a IT nerd, but you lack communication skills, and your attempt to correct my answer smacks of a superiority complex.
-- Edited by Wild1 on Friday 10th of February 2017 05:04:52 PM