US shoe company recalls boot that 'mistakenly' leaves swastika prints
A California shoe company has apologised and recalled a boot after a customer realised the sole's tread left behind swastika imprints.
On Amazon, where the boots were sold before being pulled by the company, users left reviews describing the boots as "good for marching into Poland, but not so much for anything else", and rating them a "nein out of ten".
Conal has since pulled the boot and issued an apology, saying the design was "not intentional" and "a mistake" by manufacturers in China.
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I lived in Hurlstone Park as a kid and there was a brick house in Foord st (I think) with what I thought was a Swastika insignia cast in plaster high up on the front of the house - I asked my old man who served in WW1 and 2 about it and he said it was an ancient good luck sign and that it differed from the Nazi swastika which was reversed as in the shoe picture.....probably still there.