The cheapest fuel lately is from the independents (APCO, United, Hills) even taking into account the Coles & Woolies discounts (and sometimes BP from the local IGAs).
In our area, BP is always by far the dearer. The BP just up the road from me is usually the first to move prices upwards & the last to start the down cycle.
I was surprised to see the report that in Sydney BP were often the cheapest.
I can't recall when I last purchased BP when not on the road.
Seems to me that Woolworths is continuing it's downward slide into oblivion hastened by the Masters fiasco and now selling the fuel business that was a profit maker and encouraged people to shop at Woolies. Even though you will still get the Woolies discount at BP stations, it disconnects the loyalty of the customer to Woolworths. Short time bottom line gain for the CEO and long term pain for the shareholders.
Aldi are putting the final nails into Woolworths.
The price of fuel is what motivates most people to shop at certain service stations. In our city the BP service stations are usually a bit dearer BUT (I don't know if this is for all) some offer full driveway service and have a following of older folk and others with a disability who don't want to/cannot get out of their vehicles easily. It's also good on cold, wet and windy days and if you have a babe/toddler strapped into the back seat. Do you leave them in when you go pay or go to the trouble of getting them out and back in again. Does this sort of service show on the fuel price sites?
We always shop at Woolies mainly because the bride works there and we get a staff discount, as we have always bought our fuel at BP we have never actually used any of their fuel discount vouchers. Maybe now we will get an opportunity to do so, I don't believe in chasing cheaper fuel as I'll probably end up spending what I saved on fuel running around town to find it. Maybe I'm wrong but I haven't seen a servo that has full driveway service anywhere in this city (Newcastle) at least since we moved back home from Mozambique in 2004.
Woolworths and Westfarmers are the two largest retailers in Australia.
Woolworths once held the No.1 position. I reckon that Westfarmers ( WES) must be laughing all the way to the bank. They purchased Coles for B$22 yes billion $$$ back 10 years ago. Coles contribution to Wes profit this year was around B$1.86. yes again Billions. On that scale of things they will no doubt paid off the debt, and slapping themselves on the back for such a great purchase of Coles back 10 years ago.
Whilst Woolworths:-
Woolies servos .... gone.
Coles Shell still kicking on.
Woolies Home hardware Masters .....Gonet
Coles Bunning going from strength to strength.
Woolies Stuffed up Dick Smith and huge loss there.
There was some mention of them off loading Big W.
And let's not forget they have huge interest in Gambling - liquer and hotels.
So these could also end up on the block.
We have shares in Wesfarmers and also Woolies. Sooooo
Guess what..... We will be selling Woolies and further investing in Westfarmers.
By the way did you know that Coles were offered the "Fresh Food People" Slogan before Woolworths. Guess who is smiling now.
Woolies once the darling of the retail trade... Oh how the mighty have fallen.
You know it all came down to thus three words
P.P.M ( P&*s Poor Management.)
-- Edited by JayDee on Wednesday 28th of December 2016 11:05:44 PM
I shop every else I can than the Big 4 of Supermarkets. Aldi, Coles, Iga and Woolworths. I hate the lot of them. I also hate the strategy of Global Economy and the so called level playing field when we have farms being sold off to overseas buyers who import to Australia under subsidies! I also hate the Government supporting all this and allowing Australian suppliers to sell things like Crayfish offshore before selling to Australia first! It is so wrong to walk into a Supermarket and see a sign that says Product of Mexico or California when the same product is in season in Australia! As for the oil dollar in Australia being totally controlled by the US Dollar, what chance have we got? Let's just all roll over and let the American Dollar control our lives!
Post - Lancelot Link. Your outlook on life is the prime reason I avoided any Happy Hour at caravan parks or camp sites. Wow, wouldn't you be a joy to travel with!!
This is a forum for one to express ones view. I am sure that Lancelot had no intentions of posting his comments, if it meant that he was going to be criticised for doing same.
Also, if the likes of Lancelot and others including you and me did not partake then there would be no forum.
" Like you old man would have told you when you were younger....
If you can not say something nice about a person.... best you do not say anything at all."
As for Lancelot comment, I concur with him on many of the issues he raised.
I shop every else I can than the Big 4 of Supermarkets. Aldi, Coles, Iga and Woolworths. I hate the lot of them. I also hate the strategy of Global Economy and the so called level playing field when we have farms being sold off to overseas buyers who import to Australia under subsidies! I also hate the Government supporting all this and allowing Australian suppliers to sell things like Crayfish offshore before selling to Australia first! It is so wrong to walk into a Supermarket and see a sign that says Product of Mexico or California when the same product is in season in Australia! As for the oil dollar in Australia being totally controlled by the US Dollar, what chance have we got? Let's just all roll over and let the American Dollar control our lives!
You're dead right Lancelot......and I'd prefer a beer with a thinker than the brain dead any day!!
Problem is that we expect to be able to buy any food, any place, any where, any time. So if it's not seasonal in Australia at the time we need it, it comes from O/S. Having said that, I think Aus can grow anything anywhere all year round. It is sad that we import (subsidised) foodstuffs that we can produce ourselves.
Not sure who controls the petrol price here. If the Yanks controlled it it should be cheaper. It's something to do with the price in Singapore and no idea who controls that.
Not sure where one buys non-supermarket stuff at a reasonable price (fresh fruit & veggies excepted). I know that a lot of independent stores actually buy stuff on special at IGA or from their warehouse. Same with grog. IGA, Coles (Liquorland, First Choice), Woolies (Uncle Dan's Pharmacy, BWS) control most of the liquor.
Global Economy may be OK if our Governments (& Bureaucrats) realised that there is no such thing as a level playing field. On the downside, for a Australian Company to do business in Asia (Banks, Telecoms) we have to do things in return. The return favour - call centres.
-- Edited by LLD on Thursday 29th of December 2016 12:11:03 PM
they confirmed on the TV news today that BP will give the Woolies fuel discount, but haven't said if that applies to ALL BP sites or just those that were previously Woolworths?Caltex branded. And they need to get ASIC approval first.
Cant see fuel prices going down - fewer players usually means dearer!!
In WA BP sites are usually always the most expensive - usually by 5c-10c.
I use 2nd tier retailers now - I just check what wholesaler they get their fuel from - for example 7/11 buy theirs from Mobil and usually around Perth, they are one of the cheapest. I always use Fuel watch and as I use my vehicle for work, have the advantage of often being close to the cheapest outlet.
Vibe is a new player in WA with 3 outlets. Their website doesn't say where they source the fuel from and when I phoned them, they wouldn't tell me - so that put me off Vibe (often the cheapest in WA). I like it cheap, but not dirty :)
Cheers Bruce
The amazing things you see when nomading Australia
I think most of our fuel now comes out of Singapore. It used be dirty but I think it's good now. High performance European engines may have sorted that out.
US fuel delivery is interesting. It basically goes around the country in a pipe like water. All that infrastructure has been paid for so that's a reason why fuel is cheap. Fuel delivery to Fuel stations is generally only local. If you get a chance watch the 3 Modern Marvels episodes Gasoline, Oil, and Secrets of Oil. The big question you will probably have is why is diesel so expensive when it's the cheapest to produce.
I think most of our fuel now comes out of Singapore. It used be dirty but I think it's good now. High performance European engines may have sorted that out.
US fuel delivery is interesting. It basically goes around the country in a pipe like water. All that infrastructure has been paid for so that's a reason why fuel is cheap. Fuel delivery to Fuel stations is generally only local. If you get a chance watch the 3 Modern Marvels episodes Gasoline, Oil, and Secrets of Oil. The big question you will probably have is why is diesel so expensive when it's the cheapest to produce.
Maybe the answer here, is with another question; what type of fuel does the majority of road transport use. ?????
Without the Truckers, the country would come to it's knees pretty darn quick, "Yep" and we all pay for it in transport costs,
The oil companies have us over a barrel and they know it.
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
Yep, it's called supply & demand. Because diesel is the fuel of industry (trucks, shipping etc.) and is in great demand it's dearer even though it's cheaper to produce. All costs are ultimately passed on to the bottom of the food-chain - the end consumer. Things are not sold on the cost of getting things to market but what the customer is willing to pay.
I shop every else I can than the Big 4 of Supermarkets. Aldi, Coles, Iga and Woolworths. I hate the lot of them. I also hate the strategy of Global Economy and the so called level playing field when we have farms being sold off to overseas buyers who import to Australia under subsidies! I also hate the Government supporting all this and allowing Australian suppliers to sell things like Crayfish offshore before selling to Australia first! It is so wrong to walk into a Supermarket and see a sign that says Product of Mexico or California when the same product is in season in Australia! As for the oil dollar in Australia being totally controlled by the US Dollar, what chance have we got? Let's just all roll over and let the American Dollar control our lives!
I'll second that.
I also think that some of that might be about to change in the not too distant future!