Whilst on our last tour I decided I would get a Trailamate Jockey Wheel. My old jockey wheel seemed to be getting harder to wind etc. Noticed that Repco were advertising 60% off towing equiptment. So went to our local store and asked if they had a Trailamate in stock. They had one only. The salesman checked the price and I could hardly believe it when he announced $200.80 cents. Snapped it up and said thanks Santa as I left the store.
Well done Glen mine cost over 300 a couple of years ago but well worth it they work extreemly well, I have cut the top off a 2 litre plastic milk bottle to put over the top for protection when its on the van.
Life was meant to be enjoyed Australia was meant to be explored
Happily doing both to the Max.
Life is like a camera, focus on what's important & you will capture it every Time
Just a note on the problematic wind up jockey wheel.
Usually if the jockey wheel is hard to wind up all it taes to fix is a $5, easy to replace, bearing.