Hi all. Hope you had a great weekend!!
Is anyone using one of these water bladders as im thinking of using a 150ltr to put under the bed.
Are they any good and would you recommend using one?
Cheers Troy
You'll need to watch your weight distribution especially if your bed is not directly over your axles. Manufactures are (should be) careful in positioning fixed water tanks to maintain correct weight distribution.
The extra weight being carried may also be of concern. A trip to the weigh bridge with your van fully loaded before purchase might be prudent. You can then calculate what weight of water you can carry. 150L = 150 Kg of your van's max load of perhaps 300-400Kg. Doesn't leave much for clothes, food, toys, batteries, solar, gas, tools, etc.
If all that's OK then I would put in a liner & drain hole in case of leakage/burst of the bladder.
-- Edited by Cupie on Monday 12th of December 2016 08:07:07 AM
150L tank half full allows a lot of surge. I would be wanting baffles in a tank that big.
How would it be secured? 150kg of water in a "floppy" container in an accident would take some stopping. Would probably destroy the interior.
I would also want that under the floor, not above it for stability.