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Post Info TOPIC: Scam Australia Post Parcel Delivery.


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Scam Australia Post Parcel Delivery.


Just opened my emails and this popped up. I buy a bit on ebay so get deliveries now and then.   But I haven't ordered  anything for a few weeks. The last order was delivered about  three weeks ago.   Mail Delivery will usually leave a Card in the box if the item is to big or need a signature. and "No One Home" 

Don't click on anything in these fake requests. Other than the DELETE.


cam emailing claiming to be from Australia Post with unauthorised sender email address, off brand imagery, invalid tracking number

I think I always check (almost automatically glance) the senders email address in suspicious mail like above  auspost    will look similar to this look for the au  -----<>------ somewhere in the address  as a first check to see if it is at least coming from Australia

-- Edited by elliemike on Tuesday 4th of October 2016 03:41:42 PM


Mike & Ellie


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I also got one of those a while back
As I was also not waiting for anything, and it did not have my name on it, I deleted it

I also got one which was supposed to be from PayPal, saying that things have changed and to re submit my particulars, or words to that effect
Before deleting that one, I sent a Print Screen picture to PayPal, under their mail fraud button, asking if it was genuine, I am awaiting a reply on that one

My PayPal is connected to my Debit Card, but a friend has recently advised me that I could go into a Post Office and obtain a Visa Card

By putting money into a Visa Card at the Post Office, the paper trail stops when the money runs out
It appears that the scammers do not try and attack this one, as no money means no funny

Hope that this info is useful to others



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My brother had the same situation a few weeks ago, unfortunately, because he receives regular parcel deliveries, he opened it and his computer was instantly taken over with a request for a far bit of money to return it to its original condition. Luckily everything had been backed up so he ended up buying another tower and starting again, a bit cheaper and much safer.



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If I think that anything will out of the ordinary, I make a restore point before clicking/downloading, which usually brings me back to square one again

Perhaps the computer techies, could put up a bit of a tutorial, on how to make a restore point, or even say that a restore point is not good enough in some situations



It cost nothing to be polite


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Yep, have had the Aus Post e-mails. Like others I have deleted them without opening.

The grammar should give it away (it's should be spelled WITHOUT AN APPOSTROPHE!) anyway and other quaint English - quote: "each day of keeping"?? Note that the address is not given either.

 I have had the Pay Pal ones also - they are easy to spot as a scam as my name is not mentioned anywhere. But I have to say they looked genuine!

Then there are the ones advising that I have an outstanding account to pay - click on the link for details.

At least I haven't had any investment invitations for a while - you know, somebody in an African country has millions to get out of the country and if I agree to help by putting it into my account then I can keep half!

Or chosen to administer a charity on behalf of a benevolent person - who has either just died or about to.

But it has been ages since I have won any lotteries - perhaps they have become aware that I never bought any tickets.

A lot of the scams are evident - they purport to be addressed only to you but the e-mail address at the top is either blank, or to 'undisclosed recipients' and do not state your name. (Such as Dear e-mail address.)

Anyway, like everyone else I simply delete them straight away and so far I have never been caught.

By the way, I am waiting for the fake Tax Office phone call - my sister had one a month ago. She told them to get lost and hung up. If/when I get one I'll ask them to confirm that it is indeed me by confirming my tax file number! No number, then it is a scam.

I have had four phone calls in the past months supposedly from a lawyer asking about the accident I had. The first two I simply told them I had not had an accident, the third I asked to send me the details and I would pass them onto my lawyer. That had to make them annoyed thinking that I had indeed had an accident but they couldn't get the details.

The last one I asked which accident they wanted the details to - when they couldn't say I told them they were trying to scam me and hung up.



-- Edited by Long Weekend on Wednesday 5th of October 2016 06:06:52 PM

-- Edited by Long Weekend on Wednesday 5th of October 2016 06:15:33 PM


Retired - A Long Weekend Lasts All Year


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Tax Scam on telephone,   we had quite a lot over the last two years we report it every time.

Not much point in saying anything to the caller,  as it is a Recorded  message  we get.  

I am always (well mostly)  polite though to these callers if it is live,  and just say " No Thanks"  and hang up.  I often wonder is you give them "what for" they mark you down for more  calls just to annoy you.

-- Edited by elliemike on Wednesday 5th of October 2016 07:58:40 AM

-- Edited by elliemike on Wednesday 5th of October 2016 10:59:42 AM


Mike & Ellie


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Maybe it's just a coincidence but I don't seem to get all these scam e-mails on my Mac. I know there are less attacks on OSX as most viruses are written for windows PCs who have over 80% of the market but regardless of the operating system I thought that these guys would just select email addresses to send their rubbish to.



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Always check the email address - you can see that email address does not belong to Australia Post.  As far as I know, Australia Post put a card in your mail box if you have a parcel to pick up.


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If I don't recognise a number, I don't answer - the scammers NEVER LEAVE A MESSAGE.



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Woah! Thanks for the awareness. I do get such emails sometimes, thankfully I havent opened any yet. Dont you think telegraphs were better than this? I remember using same day delivery Dallas for sending letters and gifts to my family. It surely doesnt affect your systems.



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Out of all the scams mentioned above the only one that I've got is the PayPal one. My hubby wins the lottery all the time. Lucky him, seeing he doesn't buy tickets. I had the Westpac Bank one a couple years back now though.

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