I'm a newbie to this site so I'm hoping some of you experienced Nomads can help me out. I have recently got a Jayco Starcraft outback 18 foor twin axle van weighing around 2.2 tonnes. The space I have to fit it into at home is so tight it makes it difficult to reverse it in, so i am considering buying a van mover. Does anyone have any experience with the Optitec van mover or the Aussie Wheel AW3 or any other mover that you can recommend. I liked the optitec because of the remote allowing you to check up each side of the Van when you were moving it.
Hi boko56 and welcome. Sorry i cannot help but just wanted to say hello. Which state do u live in? U may b able to store it at a storage shed or the seventh day adventist at dakabin, north brisbane have a place to park your van n it is very cheap. Bout $10 a week if i remember correctly. Good luck with the thing u r thinkng of. Regards. Rocket n strop
I use a Optitec mover with a single axle caravan about your size. It works with no effort to push up a small incline on pavers. Would have no problem recommending these
I have no experience with Van Movers, but when I was pondering the same problem with my van I was very close to the option of installing a Pusher Bar on the front of my Patrol.
In the end I just practiced reverse parking. Problem solved.
Pusher bars might not suit modern vehicles though.
I had an Optitec when I had my caravan which was approx 18feet, a tare of 2250kg and an ATM of 2650, dual axle and it moved it with ease.
Thoroughly recommend it.
The bloke makes them in his factory in Malaga. I wanted to get one powerful enough to get my van up an incline into my back yard without having to buy first. I called them and he offered to bring a test unit with no obligation to see if it would work. It worked and I've had mine for two years now. I use it regularly as my reversing skill is not that great.
Hi Keith
I ended up buying a TUG powerwheel from Barry Kramer in Perth which moves my twin axle 2.3 tonne offroader with no problems. www.powerwheel.com.au/ is his website. Great piece of kit
Recommend it.... I'll post a photo of the space I can manage to get it into..... its literally millimetres on either side
Cheers Brian