G'day Leslie F. May I suggest that you advise them to enjoy the forum and to just ignore any bickering. All families disagree on a lot of things. I consider myself to be a member of this family and no longer argue (I hope) with those I disagree with. ( I am almost sure that someone will disagree with this).
Cheers and enjoy.
Jack Cherie and the memory of the four legged kids.
...G'day Lesley......so the ones who 'refuse to join us because of the arguments/bitching' are actually the ones making a complaint..?.....?...meaning they are already complainers before they potentially 'land' here....?
I suggest the only people who are 100% certain of finding what they are personally looking for in life......are the fault-finders.............I try to live life so that no matter what happens to me it couldn't happen to a nicer person...lol...Hoo Roo
'The secret of happiness is not in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less'.Socrates BC399.
'Be a Cheerful Nomad, not a Grumpy Gromad, it's the Surly Bird who catches the Germ'!
Hi Lesley. I think you are like most of the people on this site - we get annoyed with the 2-3 people who make nasty and negative comments about others and/or their posts, and wonder if we still want to stay on the Forum at all.....
I certainly felt that way, but then decided why let these few ruin it for me and others. Now I just ignore their garbage remarks and don't react.
If we give them oxygen, they will get the reaction they so want. Ignore them and they hopefully will go out into their gardens and squash some snails or pull the wings of flys
Cheers Bruce
The amazing things you see when nomading Australia
Unfortunately in just about every forum I have been on, there have been the few who spoil tf for others. I find the best thing is to just move on - if I read a post from one of these guys (or gals) I don't take it personally, I just go to the next post or thread.
Don't buy into their garbage, if you have a problem with someone - contact Webmaster (Cindy) via private message - she will take a look at the post and do what she thinks is necessary.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
In the main we find this forum a very friendly place to visit. We unsubscribed from Caravaners Forum, a good site but we were being pestered by someone & after complaining to Admin they did nothing about it. See ya later alligator.
Cheers Keith
Our land abounds in Nature's gifts, of beauty rich & rare. We'll be out there enjoying it somewhere, camped by ourselves much of the time.
Iam new to the forum and that's an awkward place to be , if the forum is very political correct so as to speak, and you have be carefully not to make a mistake in case you may offend someone who does not have a sense of humor , or maybe go a little overboard on a subject at times.
This will be a very dull place indeed , my view from what I have seen the forum is well run , and people do get a little carried away at times that's human nature is it not ..
I've only been on the road for a short time, and still sorting out details before my confidence is ready to hit the road full time.
Ive spoken to quite a few Nomads, who have heard of this forum, they refuse to join because of the constant arguments and "bitching".
Its disappointing, when a small few spoil it for others.
Having said that, I've previously been foolishly guilty and sucked in, I'm still learning to keep a safe distance from trouble.
Have fun everyone, cheers Lesley F
Hi Lesley,
Hang in there, You have many friends on here. As already said here abouts.
A few want to rumble in the jungle. They have no other life, except their own within.
Sitting there thinking how miserable life for themselves is. So why not spread their misery to the good folks like yourself, and try to infect the rest with rot that they have bestowed apon themselves.
Life is good, be happy that the other 99% here, Are your friends, and will not belittle you or be derogatory to you what so ever. We enjoy your posts. Please keep them coming.
Yes it's text also . Sarcasm and humour doesn't always come out as planned !! Big thing is don't get personal . Name calling etc . Now about that elect cord ?? Lol . Sorry .
I have found some extremely helpful people on here! As a fairly "new" Grey Nomad, this site has been a tool of learning for me. I have also found that some subjects get a little carried away at times. The beauty of the internet is, that if you don't like what you are reading, simply click your back arrow or close the page. If you need some help, you will find there are a lot of friendly, knowledgeable people only willing to help. The others are not worth a second thought.