It really makes you think especially since many children today are wrapped in cotton wool and we were free to run around and have fun!
1. Our sandwiches contained leftover roast chicken; we didnt have fridges in classrooms or ice bricks in our lunch boxes, but we didnt get food poisoning.
2. We rode bikes without helmets or adult supervision or bike paths but we mostly just ended up with scarred knees.
3. Our mothers wiped our faces with spit on a hanky not an antibacterial wipe.
4. Tuckshop was sausage rolls and cream donuts but kids were wiry and fast.
5. Our parents rarely knew our teachers names, let alone their NAPLAN prep strategy.
6. When our teachers would whack us, we wouldnt tell our parents for fear of getting punished again, so we avoided trouble in the first place.
7. What was said on the playground stayed on the playground.
8. We went on camps and excursions without 18 forms to be signed and witnessed.
9. As toddlers, we rode in supermarket trolleys without padded trolley liner thingys.
10. Angry teachers were treated with caution. We just prayed for a nice one next year.
11. Weekends were about our parents social lives. As kids, we played Murder in the Dark while parents talked with their friends and forgot we existed.
12. Generally, we went to the closest school, not the best one.
13. We got ourselves to Saturday sport and told tall tales about how the win was won.
14. Helping with the washing up was as important as homework.
15. When a kid was injured, people felt sorry for her parents. They didnt ask what the hell were they thinking letting her climb that tree anyway.
16. Cubby houses were built by kids not bought from Toys R Us.
17. If you did badly in a test, you got a talking to, not a cuddle.
18. A pocket-knife was a perfectly acceptable gift for a 10-year-old.
19. If anyone got air conditioning in their bedroom, it was mum and dad.
20. Family holidays came before kids sporting schedules.
21. A teacher could put mercurochrome on a scraped knee without obtaining our parents permission and completing an incident report.
22. A playdate was walking to a friends house, ringing the doorbell and saying, Can Cathy come and play?
23. You could offer your friend a bite of your hot dog.
24. If the bus driver yelled at you, the bus driver didnt get in trouble, you did.
25. If you didnt make a team, you tried harder or tried something else.
26. Pass the parcel had one winner.
27. There was one kind of milk. It was full cream and it was delicious.
28. Meat was bought at the butcher, and was packed without a use-by date. Our parents used their noses to tell if the mince was off.
29. Getting one present on your Christmas wish list was good result.
30. Drives of longer than an hour happened without supplies of rice crackers and juice.
31. Going to the shops/church/the nursing home to visit Nan was boring as hell but could be endured without an iPad.
32. School holidays were about not being at school, not soccer workshops, art classes and pony camp.
33. Being tired was no excuse for being rude.
34. You had to do something great to get a student of the week award. Not just show up at school!
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Spot on John. Wednesday night we went to our 4 year old grand daughters graduation----from Kindy (bubby) school!....they were all dressed in black capes with mortar boards on their heads. What a joke! This week we have another graduation for one of the G/kids from primary to high a month ago from high school to Tafe.
Never heard of this rubbish when we were kids.
.......... Never heard of this rubbish when we were kids......
Don't forget to mention Schoolies Week. How did we survive without getting blotto for a week after '12 years' of 'hard work'? What about the next 40 something years of real work. Get ready cause you won't be retiring at 60. Give me a break. Must say though, every year at this time I get great amusement when one of those jerks does something stupid and gets hurt.
John, makes you wonder how these kids will grow up and will never be able to deal with failing, as we all do. We got up dusted ourselves off, tried harder or moved on.
So what happened to us all to allow these things to disappear ??
We've been Americanized, where there's litigation (law suits) if anything in the slightest happens to you. Everyone's greedy to make a quid out of any opportunity that pops up.
Cheers Desert Dweller.
Our land abounds in Natures gifts. Of beauty rich and rare.