OK, I am relatively new in here and this question my have been asked before but, I will go out on a limb which I do from time to time, and either get shot down or maybe some interesting feed back.
Are there any Metal Detecting freaks out there? If so I would like to hear some different experiences, especially from detecting in the WA goldfields.
To get the ball rolling back around 1980 or so we were just starting the detecting hobby, and hired a Caravan from a Caravan hire mob in Scarborough and parked at the old Kookynie Pub (Way out in the sticks, about 80 Kms north east of Menzies). Back in those days it was a great deal, $1 per night, per person and tied up out side the old Kookynie Pub. For that we got power and a shower and our van was about 15 feet from the from the front door of the 120 year old pub. They had a great little lounge and always a roaring log fire. As usual I was in the lounge having my happy hour (Actually 3 or 4 hrs), and Mother was out in the Van making dinner. She had washed my Pyjamas and had them drying near that Fireside Kero heater which were fashionable in those days. I walked in just at the right moment that my PeeJays caught alight, I grabbed them and though them out the door, then woke my Darling Cook up and said "Is dinner ready". You can not get any closer to a disaster, without having a disaster than we did that night. That was the start of a fabulous pastime, even though I only found about 90 ounces over 20 years, (some lucky buggers find 100 ounces in 1 piece). I will attach the Rams Head and the Elf's Booty which were good days.
Come on with all the contributors in here there must be some happy stories.
Ha, when I saw the heading of your new thread I thought... Oh no, not another cup of kero on the fire...
I tried using an ex army mine detector to look for gold a while back, in the hills north of Melbourne, but only found some old square nails, a shovel head, and a 12G solid slug that was buried about 30cm in the dirt. We had more luck using it on the local beach here at Port Stephens and one afternoon found about $18.00 in coins in about 45 minutes.
Yes I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.
We went out this year with friends who had two detectors. We were in the area around Meekatharra for a couple of weeks with hubby finding a couple of small nuggets. Some of the stories are amazing. We got run off one property even though we had done all the right things and could have legally been there.
You're never told if anyone has found anything or where. We were in the area where a couple out detecting went missing. They found his body down an old mine shaft well away from his vehicle. The police were still searching for the wife's body despite 3 different police searches being organised over a number of weeks.