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Post Info TOPIC: Internet control program???

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Internet control program???

Hi All,

 I'm after a computer program that will control ALL internet access from my computer, NOT a program that I have to write exclusions into but one that will STOP ANY and ALL  access and ask me for permission to go through??? hopefully there is one that knows what I need to fuction properly and will advise what is needed and what is NOT needed.

At the moment anytime I turn on my internet, I can sit and look at the data counter run a mile a minute, even before I try to connect to any site, I have turned off any all AUTO updates with windows and antivirus programs, the problem is I don't know enough about the programs to pick and choose what I NEED to use to have FIREFOX work properly when surfing the net, mostly it's email, banking and these types of forums that I use the computer for, DOES anyone have any suggestions, I'm happy to pay for a program but need the right one, I've tried a few free programs but they require me to write the exclusions into the program, not too good at that type of thing, there used to be a program I used a long time ago that did pretty much what I'm after but I can't remember which one.


Many thanks in anticipation.


Kevin (Bucko)


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Kevin a bit more info would help, I assume you are using a Laptop/Desktop with Windows, If you go into control panel, Network and sharing center, Change adapter settings.
This now will show what adapters you have for internet access, Say Lan port and wifi. All you have to do is right click on the one applicable and select disable/enable when needed. You can also by right mouse click to create shortcut on Desktop of the adapter.

Hope I didn't confuse you, Let me know if you need more info.

Cheers Allan


Toyota Coaster


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Hi Allan,

  Thanks for the reply, my apoligies for the lack of info, I am using a laptop, running windows 7, I did what you said and found the adaptors, all is in order there, the only one that is enabled is the modem for the Telstra wifi, this is not the area I'm having problems with, it's the programs that are accessing the internet with out me initiating the access, all the auto updating on all the programs that I can find have been disabled, what I'm looking for is a program that will only allow access through it and will ask me for permission to let it access the internet, my apoligies if I'm not saying it right, not exactly my thing this computer stuff but trying.





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I had the same problem and now solve it by clearing all the 'cookies' every few days. Just google how to do this as it depends on the browser you are using.
Good Luck.



Ex balloon chaser and mercury measurer.


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Kevin download ccleaner select free version, use it to clean up computer and registry. Then go to tools and startup. This will show you a lot of things that windows starts in the boot up process, anything with update in it disable it.
Under Firefox you can see what it starts within it so there maybe something there also that you can disable.
Also working off memory now as I'm on the iPad I think also a scheduled startup you can check out.

I have disabled a lot of this stuff myself as everything starting bogs it down. When on Telstra wifi do you have windows update turned off. If not do it. What virus checker do you run?



Toyota Coaster



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Hi Kevin

All I can say I use ZoneAlarm what is a free program, in my Firefox browser also AVG free never had any
Just give it a try

Cheers John



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Kevin, if you have turned off all auto update features and you are still going through heaps of your download allowance it sounds like you have some malware that needs cleaning out. Deal with that first.


Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top
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NSW Central Coast.



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I used to use ZoneAlarm too, you can select which programs can access the internet and how they access. ie, select automatic or ask you each time. I haven't used it since I've been using linux though, so don't know what the current version is like.


Yes I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.


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There are Computer Repairers and small local companies that charge as little as $30 per hour - give it to a local guy and tell him what you want.
Best way to ensure you don't crash computer and end up paying big bucks.


Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan

Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.

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HI All,
Thanks for the replies, I do have CCcleaner and use it often, especially to reduce the start up menu, all Auto updates including windows are off, I do these manually, I will download Zone Alarm and see if that helps or is close to what I'm after, thanks one and all for your imput, I will come back with what happens. The anti virus program I have is Avast Internet security, a paid version.

much appreciated.


P.S. I've download and installed ZoneAlarm, it does seem to work the way I'm looking for, so far it has picked up several programs trying to access the net on their own, time will tell, thanks to all those who gave advice, all welcome and appreciated, I'll give it a week or so and see if it make a noticable difference and post a summation of what progress I've made, if any.

-- Edited by Bucko on Monday 7th of September 2015 02:20:07 PM

-- Edited by Bucko on Monday 7th of September 2015 05:15:03 PM



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Possum3 wrote:

There are Computer Repairers and small local companies that charge as little as $30 per hour - give it to a local guy and tell him what you want.
Best way to ensure you don't crash computer and end up paying big bucks.

 He'll probably install Zonealarm on it.. biggrin


Yes I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.

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Hi All,
I've installed Zone Alarm and watched for a few days, there still seems to be a lot of data running in the background, I've gotten one suspicious connection so far but no others, everything I connect goes through without any questions being asked. The program I'm after is one that questions ALL connections and builds up an approved list of connections, does anyone recall such a type of program??????

Kevin, (Bucko).



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Bucko, you need to have a look at the individual settings for each application

Customizing Program Access Permissions



Yes I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.

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 Thanks, I'll check it out and see if I can work it out, I'm not that computer literate but I'll give it a go, thanks again for the lead.




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Thanks for pointing those setting out to me, as I say I'm not that computer savvy, so gladly listen to any advice, I didn't know about them, I've gone through and set a few that I knew I didn't want going on line, hopefully a little more interactive from here on.


P.S. the program that I was thinking about but couldn't remember was Sygate pro firewall, anyone know about this one, I looked it up and downloaded but it wouldn't start due to compatability issues with windows????


-- Edited by Bucko on Friday 11th of September 2015 03:12:42 PM


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Hi All,
After a week of having ZoneAlarm on the computer, I've found that the computer has slowed alarmingly, seizing up on several occassions and having to reboot, once I deleted the program, my computer was back to normal, perhaps a compatability problem that Microsoft didn't know about, when I went into the settings I didn't get too carried away changing everything, only a few programs that I didn't want to run, like auto updates etc, bugger!!!




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G'day Bucko

I have no idea if this will work for you but it may be worth a try

have a look here and read about it:

it is free and includes some automation.




Kathy and Frank currently at Home near Quirindi NSW

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Thanks for the thought, I'll check it out, I'm reluctant to try anything else since getting the Puter back to normal, perhaps I just have to put up with the runaway data train, I'm frightened to go on Ebay, the data counter runs around like a cat on a hot tin roof.


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Bucko wrote:

<snip> .. perhaps I just have to put up with the runaway data train, I'm frightened to go on Ebay, the data counter runs around like a cat on a hot tin roof.

No way ! It is your machine and you dont put up with nuthin like that...

There is one approach you might like to try to find out where the data is being leeched to. I would be interested to know how much data is contributing to this flow that you are finding unsettling.

Windows is a shocker for auto updates as well as squat apps like adobe acrobat. I believe you have switched all that off.

AdBlocker plus is good if you visit heavily merchandised pages. I let ads go in pages like this one because the ads aren't intrusive and are relevant to my interest. I have visited all the ad sites on GN.

When I am on a slow link I like to crack down on trackers - they contribute negligible data flow but they can cause pages to hangfire when they are slow.

Is a good little plug in for Firefox and Chrome. You have verified that it is the browsers that is doing the data leak?

The way I suggest you go about it is to instal Privacy Badger on chrome and not on Firefox and compare the performance of both browsers to see if trackers are the problem. You posted that you dont want to use blacklists. PB doesn't work like that. It "trains" itself to recognise tracker whilst you are browsing. The interface is very inuitive and the plug in comes with a charming little walk through to explain what PB does. It is put out by EFF - good guys AFAIK. It's more geared to NSA outrage in the USA but trackers are more realisticly just a damn nuisance.



-- Edited by Muzzlehatch on Sunday 13th of September 2015 12:35:03 PM


And I somehow rather fancy that I'd like to change with Clancy ..

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Thanks for the imput, Yes I have put a stop to auto updates on windows, Skype, Adobe and anything else I can find that auto updates, I update manually when I'm finished doing whatever else I want to do, so as to not slow down the connection anymore than it already is, I have a prepaid Telstra broadband modem and don't do a lot of surfing of the net, emails, forums and a bit of Ebay, I have a friend in Brisbane who buys and sells caravans and is constantly on Ebay, Gumtree and the caravan selling web site, he has the same prepaid as me and his data last nearly the year, what concerned me was that what used to last me nearly a year on prepaid was only lasting 3-4 months, so I started to pay attention to the data flow, I would start the data counter first and watch the flow, it was in megabites not kilobites, sometimes I would go through 20-30 MBs before it would pause and I hadn't even launched the browser yet, maybe not a lot of data to most users but I only use it for communication with the family.
I'll do as you suggest and install the "badger" and see what happens, I've been pissed at that thought that to have the computer working at a normal speed, I have to pay through the nose for it or else, if I try to control the flow of data only to what I'm looking at with a restricting type of program, the whole thing chokes on me and closes down, bugger, bugger!!!! I shot the last computer I had, I'm getting close with this one, it gave a lot of satisfaction after the 12 gauge finished with it.

Thanks again



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Hi Bucko


Have a look in the little arrow up beside your speaker volume

there are all the programs what would run in the background for starters

It seems to me that you will be running a fair few programs there

If your c drive is still on an old hard drive that will rattle your brains with the noise for hrs with all the programs running in the background

The way to stop this is using a SSD drive

Make sure you get a much bigger one than you need

Say Windows 7 with all your programs around it is around 50/60 gig

get a 120 gig SSD at least

Also to check out what is running start Task manager and there you can stop everything

The best way to have nothing running in the background is not to start the computer at allbiggrinbiggrin

It's a pity we still need some of the programs to run that's how Windows operate



Cheers John

-- Edited by Cruising Cruze on Sunday 13th of September 2015 06:22:05 PM


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Bucko wrote:

<snip>, I would start the data counter first and watch the flow, it was in megabites not kilobites, sometimes I would go through 20-30 MBs before it would pause and I hadn't even launched the browser yet, maybe not a lot of data to most users but I only use it for communication with the family.

 Whooo something isnt right !! If you are getting data traffic of that magnitude and the browser is not running you are wasting your time with a tracker blocker like Badger. That aint your problem. I would be looking at viruses or malware as the most likely culprit. Running windows is like playing whackamole with all that kind of crap and hijacking constantly requiring maintenance.  It take forever to reinstall all your apps once you rebuild the OS and unless you are very familiar with maintenance it is quite unnerving and you run the risk of losing your data files.

If you are just using the machine for browsing you might find the best and quickest - you are gonna hate me for this - is to 1. backeverything up. 2. Reinstall Windows.

Cleaning up malware can be frustrating and time consuming and if you havent invested much time in setting up your operating system it might be more productive use of time to wipe and reinstall.

Anither option I am always reluctant to say this too because it is seen in some quarters as too geeky but; consider making the swap to Linux. It used to be a complex and useless desktop environment for your average user, but these days IMHO it is far easier than Windows to keep clean and free of rubbish. Your OS will run faster. Dont be put off by all the geeky stuff you CAN do. You dont have to set up compiz etc unless you want it and there is a tendency from some Linux users to try to make it sound all buzzy and high tech. Bare bones Linux works out of the box and you dont need to buggererize around if you dont want. 

If ou want to have a look at it ou dont have to install it - you can run it off a CD or a flash stick.

I tend not to get to archy about computers - with me it's printers. Explosives can be cathartic.


And I somehow rather fancy that I'd like to change with Clancy ..

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Thanks guys,
I have already reinstalled windows from a new disc, my original program was Vista with an upgrade to win 7, it was never right from the start, had trouble from the get go, finally bought a full win 7 disc and reinstalled but am still have the "troubles" I have thought about Linex but always shied away from the "don't know it" thing but could be worth the go, how do you go about running it off a flash drive??

Cruze, I'll think about the SSD on the next computer, won't be long the way this one is going, hoping to have it servive till the "fireing squad" mid next year, I will check the Task manager to see what is running, good idea, thanks



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I have a Win 7 machine that I keep original for sentimental reasons. I rarely go on line with it and when I do I am ultra carefull with it. There is nothing wrong with windows 7 if you dont thrash it and only use trusted software- which it sounds like you diong right.. If you have already reinstalled windows to no avail I am puzzled as to what your problem would be.

The most rissky thing is "handy little freeware utilities" that come packaged with payload of leechware. It is reprehensible what they do.

I will get some HOW TO info on Linux flash drive systems for you. Even if you just go online with it and see how it affects your system response it might help you shed some light on what is going on.

I can understand your frustration but you should be able to get to the bottom of the problem without forking out good moola for a whole new machine.

-- Edited by Muzzlehatch on Sunday 13th of September 2015 08:18:52 PM


And I somehow rather fancy that I'd like to change with Clancy ..

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Unfortunately I haven't been careful, those little "freeware utilities" have been downloaded a few times, I can't seem to leave well enough alone, I keep trying to fix it, I've crashed so many times I've lost count but have been able to bring it back to some form of use and keep going, when I tried to install Sygate and ZoneAlarm I got the compatability problem message for Sygate, So I tried to restore but when I went to the list of restore points, all but the Sygate installed points were gone, no others available, that was strange and weird, beware of Sygate!!!
I've installed Privacy Badger and it's surprising how many trackers are displayed, especially on google sites, the rate of data seems to be a lot slower after closing off the trackers, perhaps wishful thinking but I've been on here for 10 mins or so and still in single figures of MB's I like it anyway, thanks for that one at least.



-- Edited by Bucko on Monday 14th of September 2015 09:57:43 AM



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Bucko wrote:

when I tried to install Sygate and ZoneAlarm I got the compatability problem message for Sygate,

 Which Sygate programme did you install? Was it the firewall? If so then there is your problem. You should not install two firewalls or anti virus programmes, they will always be subject to conflict when you install pairs of like programmes. Have you disconnected the Windows firewall, if not then you have tipple strife.

The Sygate programmes have been discontinued. See this link. If you don't trust the M$ firewall then stick with ZoneAlarm, they are continuing with their support.


Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top
Retired radio and electronics technician.
NSW Central Coast.


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Yes it was the firewall and I didn't turn the other off, you've hit the nail on the head, maybe should have been my head, all fixed now, am going it alone with the privacy Badger to see how it goes, very please with it showing how many trackers show up, I didn't realise how much we are tracked, mind boggling!!!

Thanks everyone for your imput.



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It still sounds a bit of a mystery but I am delighted you have it fixed now.

I was giving quite some thought to the practicallity of someone in your position swapping over to a n00b version of Ubuntu. Its' that initial few hours of unfamiliarity that most folks would find the most problematic.  Once you are over that hurdle the whole thing just gets so much less of a hassle than the constant battle with windows. It prompted me to find some current high quality tutorials and take a course myself to upskill a bit. Most of the tutorials concentrate on the instalation side of things but simply installing it is only the beginning. It's a diferent way of thinking too. You really need someone on hand to run through it with you or you will probably find it annoying.


And I somehow rather fancy that I'd like to change with Clancy ..

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I'm still very interested in trying Linux on a flash drive, if you are able to find a tutorial that'll show me how to do it and which linux to load, I'd be grateful.




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Bucko wrote:

I'm still very interested in trying Linux on a flash drive, if you are able to find a tutorial that'll show me how to do it and which linux to load, I'd be grateful.


 Bucko, I use Linux Mint 17 and find it very easy to get your head around. There is  tutorial here: How to create a bootable Linux Mint USB drive using Winows.

Use google to find some more though and you'll get the idea.


Yes I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.

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