I have a problem with an error which keeps coming up on the dash. Error 202. This error locks the gear box from changing into 5th & 6th gears.
Does anyone out there have the same problem or have a resolution. My van has been with a recommended Iveco repairer for 6 weeks now with no likely solution to having the problem
Local Dealer has had contact with Iveco Help line but still unable to fix the fault.
Hi Nino and welcome to the Forum. I had the same problem with my Iveco, couldn't get above 4th gear and had two lights come on dashboard panel. Turned out to be diesel fuel leaking to the left of the battery, fuel dropping onto a component below, saturating it. Don't know name of component affected, but repair to leaking fuel line joint solved the problem.
Retired Airline Pilot and Electrician..
I'm not old, I've just been young a long time....Ken
Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
I have the Iveco 2007 Daily also. dam fustrating not being able to get it repaired and even more fustrating that Iveco dealer & help line cant work it out either. Turnes you off wanting a Iveco.
I had a look under the bonnet and the leak was in a fuel line coming out of the uel filter. I don't know what the component the fuel was dripping on to, but fixing the leak fixed the problem. While driving with 6th gear, the van slowed, dropped to 4th gear and 2 lights came on, on the dash. Couldn't get out of 4th gear. I have a problem now, when starting I get a message "Engine Failure fault 63" but it goes off after I start to drive off. Sometimes the code is 019. The Iveco Dealer I go to hasn't been able to fix it.
You could try taking it to a Fiat Dealer. Fiat make the Iveco and the engines are the same in both vans. Parts are interchangable. Iveco don't carry a lot of spare parts in Australia but you can get them from Fiat instead of waiting 2 weeks for Iveco to bring parts in from Italy.
-- Edited by Big Gorilla on Tuesday 26th of May 2015 03:56:47 PM
Retired Airline Pilot and Electrician..
I'm not old, I've just been young a long time....Ken
Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Just a thought! maybe it could be related to transmission temperature. When in the higher gears trans temp increases therefore activating a sensor to protect trans by locking out the two higher gears?????
Many thanks mate, I have passed on the information to the iveco machanic. The fiat dealer her in Hobart isnt interested in Iveco. Mainly becauce they dont have a computer to read dash faults.
Nino, if you are in Hobart try WEBSTERS they are the big truck service dealership. I know that here in Launceston they have done a lot of motorhome diagnosis and my dealings with them have been really positive. Worth a try or at least a phone call to their service dept. seeking advice. Cheers Allen
Websters are no longer the service agents for Iveco in Launceston, I don't know about Hobart. In Launceston, agent is C & I Transport, Hobart Road, Youngtown.
Retired Airline Pilot and Electrician..
I'm not old, I've just been young a long time....Ken
Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
I know this is long time after original post but it may help someone so i joined the forum to put this out there.
I have a 2009 iveco 50c on a winnebago motorhome , i install a after market stereo head unit from ebay - chinese cheapy . Unit was working fine however first time i went to leave on a trip we got few kms down the road and - automated gearbox failure light appeared and gear would not change out of 4th..
I rang iveco dealer and crawled there in 4th gear. After a few test and not knowing what was wrong the young auto electrician guy there asked if i had put new stereo in - YES anyway the original head unit has a volume control on it which increases volume when driving and the new unit doesnt so the computer sensed something different and sent gearbox to 4th to avoid damaging engine .
So $100 to get code from italy to get computer to wipe stereo from memory , this should have done it but NO. This process has taken at least 2 hrs as each time we tried something i had to drive to get it to change out of first gear to show fault .
In the end we disconnect stereo and it was fine , so i went and bought a sony from supercheap and the problem was solved.
So hopefully this may save someone a great deal of pain !!!!
This is a perfect example of software which has been asked to test for too many error conditions but doesn't know what to do when it finds them! We saw a similar example in another thread regarding a Fiat with a broken brake light switch which put the gearbox into limp mode.
So you get stuck in the middle of nowhere because the brake lights or radio failed - great!
I'll point out here that I have written firmware for automotive applications and my philosophy is "If you don't know what to do about it then don't test for it".
The industry is still in a learning phase regarding software and I suspect it won't be until a number of deaths cause a major lawsuit and damages that this sort of over-engineering is addressed.
I have a friend who works in design for Iveco - I'll pass this on to him.
"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"
Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland