Got my son to buy at a really good price the above. Arrived in the mail from WA to us in VIC today. Other than the fact they don't supply you an HD cord to plug the cam into your computer so you can save any vids (cheap arses), there is no mention in their instruction manuals or on their web-site as to:
1. How long does it take to charge the new battery to full charge
2. How long will the battery run without being re-charged
3. Using various sized SD cards (IM using a 32G card), who many hours will be recorded and does it then overwrite everything other than system "protected" vids/pics.
Anyone know? Not keen to phone their support centre - I have problems talking to their 17 year old techos ! (from past experience)
Cheers Bruce
The amazing things you see when nomading Australia
I have same dashcam and I initially charged it overnight..........the charged battery has limited life so always have the charger plugged into cig. lighter socket.
On High def. get about 6 hours for 32 gig card......depends on what has been permanently stored. If the battery discharges completely, all the presets are ,time etc. and this is annoying.
Go online to MiVue and download their programme which shows a picture window, speed and gps co-ordinates and a google map window and a means to download/backup the movie to your computer.
Takes excellent film sees things we have missed, like a mob of camels sitting in the shade, approaching Broken Hill.
I have a different brand, but the same specs, and agree with fuffnut on the amount of time of recording. eg in HD, about 6 hours on a 32Gig card. After the card is full it starts to overwrite the individual files (preset by you as to how many minutes per file), unless you have protected them. I have about 5 spare 32GB cards that I use for long trips, where I just swap the card after about 5 hours of driving, then transfer the video at the end of the day or when I get a chance to. As far as not supplying a USB cable for computer connection, with mine I just pop the micro SD out the side and transfer via a card reader in the laptop.
Battery life I couldn't tell you about, but the way it operates is you plug it into your ciggy lighter and leave it connected. That way when you start your car the cam comes on and keeps recording till you switch the ignition off (actually after a preset time after switching it off). But if you are asking about battery because you intend to use the G shock feature for automatic recording, if someone bumps your car, when you're parked, I don't bother using mine like that so couldn't say.
They are great fun, last year we got video of a police chase involving more than 10 vehicles, which culminated in a guns drawn, windows broken, take down of of the bad guy. When I say chase.. it was a relatively slow chase because the cops had spiked the bad guys tires and he was driving just on the rims. It took ages for the whole thing to catch up close enough for me to pull over for them. i was watching it in the rear view for a good 10 minutes before I had to pull over. Then once they were past I got back on the road and was able to keep up with them in my 4.2TD Troopy towing a little caravan. It was pretty exciting, and I did get a bit carried away while keeping up with them I realised I was doing 80 in a 70 zone the same as the cops were. When the POI (police talk for baddy) did finally swerve off the road into a ditch, the 6 police vehicles directly behind and beside him all emptied out and they surrounded him with guns drawn (That's when I started to think I would prefer to be a bit further back from the action). One of the officers smashed the drivers window (I think with the but of his pistol) and they hauled him out and threw him to the ground.
It wasn't till a day or so later I thought that we should have pulled over in Armidale (it happened about 10K south of Armidale) and gone to the TV stations and asked if they wanted some exclusive footage. Might have been worth a few bob too. Anyway, it was a bit of excitement for the trip, and a bit of a conversation piece showing it to family and friends.
Yes I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.
Thanks for that guys - obviously the trick it to keep the cam off till the battery is charged for the 1st time (pity the instructions don't even tell you that - most other devices do. Or that you can charge the batt through your computer).
Ive got a Toshiba top of range laptop obviously with a card reader slot. but for some reason it does not work (and now out of warranty of course - didn't use the slot till out of warranty naturally lol), but know the cards are ok using it on my wifes machine.
Bob - the TV stations would probably have paid you for that footage - they love the cops and robbers real life and recorded by amateur stuff on their news, especially when its an exclusive to them!
Cheers Bruce
The amazing things you see when nomading Australia