Would anyone have any experience or any recommendations re choosing a laptop using microsoft word or chrome google documents that has the same grunt as a PC?
I have a son who has a diability and i have huge documents re his requirements, some of which have videos half hour attached for viewing by carers, also huge medication documents with photos.
Also I need to use an ipad for him as the communication program he uses is so far only an apple app and it won't talk to my PC easily so I was wondering what people thought of using the cloud in terms of security? for example if I put some of his medical info on the cloud, how could I stop any one from accessing it? can one have a password and user name only for those who want to view it and if the access is later denied. ( ie a service moves on or we do, can we lock them out from continuing to access info via the cloud? Is the cloud like a sort of google server so I can access info anywhere?
As you see, I am a tech dummy and don't really know anything about technical stuff.
re the phone, if I wanted a phone that could fit in my handbag yet had a big enough touch keyboard to text with, had a good navigating system (ie found the location quickly) , what would you recommend? a Phablet? I need a phone that has good access to all sorts of apps and one that can take a poratable charger device as they all seem tyo run down so quickly.
1 - Do NOT rely on the cloud... The hidden cost is that to access your own data you need to spend your download capacity.. - I personally only use the cloud to have data I share on the web..
2 - Its also better to keep your own data in your own system, as it is YOUR data.. Keep a backup on a separate HDD
A good top of the line Laptop, is going to cost over $1600.00 or maybe look at a full on gaming laptop.. but have to understand the better the laptop.. the likely-hood is that Laptop will consume Power Real Quick. I know as I have a gaming laptop.. I get about 2hr's max if I run in full mode...
mum has a Samsung Note3 which she loves.. as it good enough to read and text with not to big overall..
IF I say something Dumb.. Just Smack me..
I'm full of Knowledge.. I don't profess to know EVERYTHING, but I'm constantly Learning new thing's..