Stunned, have just privately purchased a 2000 golf linwood that has electric brakes fitted to one axle and the breakaway brakes fitted to the other axle, it looks like it has come out of the factory set up like this, this can't possibly be legal, ????
It may be just how it appears to have been wired, can you draw out a schematic diagram of how all the brakes are connected? or just take it to an autoelec and get him to check it out.
Yes I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.
Even jacked the van up, service brakes from the car operate the front axle only and the breakaway system operates the rear axle only, traced it all back to the fuse board in the van and sure enough, elec brakes are wired to only front axle and breakaway only to rear axle, have followed the wiring all the way, no junction, no join, has anyone heard of this, it's a 2200kg van everything looks original, I am scratching my head here, the wiring is all only 3mm so it's not heavy enough for 4 magnets ??
Not surprised. Don't know what state you are in, but in WA a lot of yards do their own licensing, and they often ignore issues. I had bought a Jayco van interstate, got it back to WA and had to have the chains replaced as they were not Australia Standard rated. Also Coromal vans don't have the Amber/Red side lights, just amber!
Shouldn't be too hard to fix - just put a link wire between the front and back brake wires - on each side if worried about the size of the wire.
A diesel Nissan Pathfinder towing a Coromal Element 542.
That's a great idea Glen, I'll link up front and rear axle on each side, so both braking systems operate all four wheels, why didn't I think of that ?, cheers