I'm going to have a whinge, and its about web sites. I don't know about you folks, but when I go to a web site, I am after information. I want it quick, I want the facts, details photo's etc. Now how simple can that be.
But it seems that when companies get a web page done, its more about showing how good the programmer is with all the fad ins and outs, the whirls and fancy video clips that take so long to load, rather than taking the wishes of the would be consumer into account.
There are times when the page takes so long to load that I feel like just moving on to another advertiser. But after all that, you have a bad case of vertigo etc. one still does not have the basic and or more detailed info that one wanted.
Keep it simple, provide for the consumer, is it that hard!
-- Edited by iana on Saturday 31st of January 2015 12:25:04 PM
Don't you just hate those annoying flash intros? Well, I've developed all sorts of tricks, content blockers, etc to circumvent a lot of the monetising rubbish. I also switch to a different, minimalist browser whenever I suspect that a web ****e will be bogged down in ads and "entertainment". Google's text-only cache is another good way of cutting out the drivel and going straight to the information content.
"No friend ever served me, and no enemy ever wronged me, whom I have not repaid in full."
I can tell you that the information technology people do their very best on your behalf.
The problem (make that multiplicity of problems) stem from the egos and lack of tech familiarity (and reluctance to learn) of senior managers and the business owners. You would imagine that a senior manager would have given some thought to what visitors/customers want, but no. I will leave it at that.
- Not from IT, but I have been present in many meetings where the IT professional needed the patience of Job and the forbearance and self-control of a saint.
Well then all those businesses that have web sights should look at their own wares from the customers point of view. I don't care whether it is IT or management at fault, I just want the info. All ready today I have emailed a company for photos and more info, because there is no photo gallery on the sight and the pictures displayed would not enlarge. I am talking about equipment worth over $100,000, and its not just one sight, but all.
For those businesses out there get your act together.
-- Edited by iana on Sunday 1st of February 2015 07:58:23 PM
The other hassle is all of the sites that don't mention price, but have a 'contact us' button. I go online to price things so they have wasted my time as far as I am concerned. I do understand that having to update daily/weekly to reflect current pricing can be a hassle, but these days it's all in a database anyway.