I received excellent service recently when I emailed Westar Truck Centre for a cabin lens for my Isuzu Elf. Not only did they research the vehicle by the VIN that I supplied, but they found the appropriate part for the N-Series equivalent, emailed me a fixed price quote (good price, too), and COD couriered it to my private address. I congratulated him on the fine service I received and still find it hard to believe in this day and age. All part of our service, he said. I told him I would promote their service, so if you need parts: Darren Rimmer, Assistant Parts Manager, Westar Trucks, 1 Australis Drive, Derrimut, (ph) 03-93940000. I dont know what truck they sell bits for, but for Isuzu Elf, they are tops (BTW, this is not a paid advert).