I have had a gander at my Suburban HWS and it looks like this -
Notice it is a brass pipe whereas your unit seems to have the red plastic pipe ... and obviously with the heat of the gas would definitely be in jeopardy.
I have also Googled for images of Suburban HWS's and they all seem to either have no pipe showing or a brass pipe.
Not sure how any of that helps you, other than to replace the plastic one with brass.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Thanks John,
very helpful!
I notice your gas air pipe is not as burnt or heat affected as mine also.
I could still have a Back Burn issue.
Time to have a look inside for a blockage maybe.
Definitely going to change to copper.
My HWS has been used rarely on gas. I camp predominantly, but my hot water comes from a billy on the fire .. or if no fire a billy on the gas stove.
It is quicker to heat 2 ltrs of water that way than 22 litrs in the Suburban. I get away with this because I do not use the shower if camping and just have "bucket washes" .... old fart stuck in his ways
cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Good one John!
Yes my wife and I do the same at times.
Just don't want the Suburban burning us down in the middle of nowhere.
Love the sound of rain as well