I have a 100mm crack from the side latch on the inside perspex panel on one of the large laminated window blades. During very high winds last night, the window was closed in a hurry with great difficulty and it wasn't noticed that one side clip was not fully open. Anyone know if this can be fixed as I am aware that a replacement from Avan is the whole frame and costs around $200.
Best regards,
Licensed Electrician, Electronics, Gaming & Computer Technician. Now retired and loving it!
Perspex (acrylic) is readily glue-able.
Best done with the window removed. The crack can be "Veed" out and filled with liquid material that will harden to be just like the original.
If you have a gliding club nearby, ask for some help there. They fix cracks in canopies all the time.
In the mean time, very gently drill a tiny hole (1 to 1.5mm diameter) through the window about 3mm past the end of the crack. This will help stop the crack from progressing further until it is fixed properly.