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Post Info TOPIC: proxy server settings gone!!!


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Posts: 1421
proxy server settings gone!!!

I tried to open pages in Firefox today and the message says the proxy settings are'nt working!!!! Any ideas please?



"There is no moment of delight in any journey like the beginning of it"

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Reboot modem / router :)

-- Edited by kesa32 on Saturday 1st of November 2014 10:38:29 AM



Status: Offline
Posts: 1421

Thanks, tried that no go, rang Telstra great help and went through all the settings and fixed whatever was wrong all working good now

Thanks again



"There is no moment of delight in any journey like the beginning of it"


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Posts: 2608

rather than actually phoning Telstra, try their on-line 24/7 service. This works even if your 'net service is down (but may not have helped Judy if it was a router or modem problem), is free, no techo stuff, one question, one answer at a time and the BEST thing is, you don't wait for hours to speak to someone as you do when phoning. Usual wait time is about 2-5 mins. Just a pity Telstra is going to get rid of 800+ call centre workers and farm some of it off to the Asians - I HATE talking to overseas call centres as our Banks have mostly done. If you don't ask a "pre-programmed" question they have been taught to understand - its they don't have a clue what youre saying.

Whats the State and Federal Govts (and the Unions) doing to stop this - 1000's of call centre staff have been sacked in the past 2 years from our big AUSTRALIAN (haha) companies. All to increase the dividends to elderly and corporate shareholders and increase the salary packages of the company bosses


Cheers Bruce


The amazing things you see when nomading Australia

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Save time ::::In Windows XP right click on I-net icon in task bar click " repair connection".

Windows will reset and repair.

In Windows 7 Internet Options back up and restore. make a back up.

In Windows 8 the one I do not want to know, the wife owns one.

Used to have Telstra but we had a bad run, with ISP settings and off the net every two weeks.

It got so bad they gave us three months free air space.

Good luck.



-- Edited by Vanderee on Wednesday 5th of November 2014 09:57:01 PM



Status: Offline
Posts: 1421

Vanderee wrote:

Save time ::::In Windows XP right click on I-net icon in task bar click " repair connection".

Windows will reset and repair.

In Windows 7 Internet Options back up and restore. make a back up.

In Windows 8 the one I do not want to know, the wife owns one.

Used to have Telstra but we had a bad run, with ISP settings and off the net every two weeks.

It got so bad they gave us three months free air space.

Good luck.



-- Edited by Vanderee on Wednesday 5th of November 2014 09:57:01 PM

 Thanks...will keep for next time a great tip



"There is no moment of delight in any journey like the beginning of it"

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