I recently had a 12v socket external fitted. I'd been noticing that it "hummed" when I used it to charge phone etc. It took a few days and I realised that the external light would come on whenever I had something plugged into said socket.
my question is why? I've contacted the company that did the work and I suggested that there was a wiring problem. The response was standard, nothing we've done, But I'm begging to differ on that.
Anyway, I've rung ahead to a town I hope to hit next week, the rv repair place there have been great and said they can fix the problem.
But I would really like a heads up of what has happened here re the way it's been wired. Also, does it have to be done by an electrician or is it something rv repairers just do?
I recently had a 12v socket external fitted. I'd been noticing that it "hummed" when I used it to charge phone etc. It took a few days and I realised that the external light would come on whenever I had something plugged into said socket.
my question is why? I've contacted the company that did the work and I suggested that there was a wiring problem. The response was standard, nothing we've done, But I'm begging to differ on that.
Anyway, I've rung ahead to a town I hope to hit next week, the rv repair place there have been great and said they can fix the problem.
But I would really like a heads up of what has happened here re the way it's been wired. Also, does it have to be done by an electrician or is it something rv repairers just do?
HI Mary Jane
Definately sounds like a wiring stuff up
That hum could be a bit of a worry
I woudf afford using the socket if possible until it is fixed
No you should not need a licensed electrician
ANY reasonably competent AUTO electrician should be able to find & fix the problem.
Could this be the actual wiring mistake? Perhaps the electrician picked up the negative return on the wrong side of the external lamp (the lamp's low resistance may have confused him).
Could this be the actual wiring mistake? Perhaps the electrician picked up the negative return on the wrong side of the external lamp (the lamp's low resistance may have confused him).
Would they use a chassis return or two wires? Its a very odd fault by the sound of it. Would love to get my multimeter in there
Take care
HI Phil
The usual practice with vans is to use a two wire system for the VAN wiring , BUT who knows what this mob might have done
Dorian's is also a definate possabilty
The plug will work if the switch is OFF & the light wll glow ,but if the switch is "on" the light will work full bright but the Plug socket will beuseless
But one thing is certain, the current is flowing through the plug & light in series.
The idiot obviously did not bother to check his work !!
-- Edited by oldtrack123 on Friday 31st of October 2014 01:00:56 PM
thanks again for all the replies. I totally dont/can't get electrics but you have given me good insight... And I'll be sending the bill to the company that did the work