As some may be ware we picked our new caravan recently. I'm not sure of the legality of extending the safety chains by using multiple rated Dee shackles, we needed to do this so that we could connect the caravan to our Pajero with some slack in the chains. I would appreciate your guidance on this matter.
The caravan was connected to our tug using two D shackles to extend each safety chain. I counted the links on other caravans in the yard and they were all the same. I've advised the caravan salesman that i'm not happy with this arrangement, the response is that the way it come from the chassis supplier. I guess I'll have to follow this up with the chassis supplier myself to see what can be done.
We had the same prob. with our van so fitted a hammerlock link to the tow bar and d shackle the chain to this. Hammerlock links can be obtained from industrial supply shops or specialised lifting gear suppliers. (We only require one chain for our van)
I was told by the dealer that as long as the D shackles are rated correctly, it's legal. My tow bar is set back a little more than is normal to accommodate a hinged number plate and the chains were one link too short, hence the extra D shackle on each chain.
I have to take a trailer I'm building over the pits in the next few weeks, I'll pose the question to the inspectors.
The supplier of the van has a legal responsibility to make sure it conforms to legal requirements and from what you describe the van you've been supplied with doesn't and the supplier is therefore liable for rectifying the situation.
If you search on the forums for d shackles or safety chains you should find some threads discussing these issues in far more detail than this and there are also some links to the regulators' sites and summaries of the info they provider.
Firstly it is up to the supplier to fix the problem and not you. Secondly check out the Hayman Reece site they use to hav a safty chain extension thing.
I would think that the safety chains fitted to the van would be an appropriate length for most situations, so would then be asking is there an exceptionally long distance between the tow ball and where the chains mount on the tow vehicle.
Saw a Pajero today with an incredibly long tow ball mount (the bit that fits inside the square reveiver), he had it that way for his jet ski trailer, but I doubt if you would be using one of those as it was only rated to 1,500kg.
If you have a long receiver, then a shorter receiver may be the best answer.
The manufacture of our caravan has changed the safety chains to the correct length for our setup, the issue came about by the following being installed, HITCHMASTER DO35 V2-R with the adaptor for HR WDH system which pushed the caravan connection back by about 90 mm. Thank you for your suggestions, now I can tow our caravan knowing that I comply with the regs.